si78c用 C 语言实现的《太空侵略者》命令行游戏
Author: Jason·Language: C·Deps·1.5w views
// // Space Invaders 1978 in C // Jason McSweeney #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ucontext.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <assert.h> #include <SDL.h> #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #define OP_BLEND 0 #define OP_ERASE 1 #define OP_COLLIDE 2 #define OP_BLIT 3 #define SHOT_ACTIVE 0x80 #define SHOT_BLOWUP 0x1 #define BEAM_VBLANK 0x80 #define BEAM_MIDDLE 0x00 #define XR_MID 0x80 #define DIP3_SHIPS1 0x1 #define DIP5_SHIPS2 0x2 #define DIP6_BONUS 0x8 #define DIP7_COININFO 0x80 #define TILT_BIT 0x4 #define COIN_BIT 0x1 #define INIT 1 #define PROMPT 2 #define SHIELDS 4 #define ROL_SHOT_PICEND 0xf9 #define PLU_SHOT_PICEND 0xed #define SQU_SHOT_PICEND 0xdb #define PLAYER_ADDR 0x2010 #define PLAYER_SIZE 16 #define PLAYER_SHOT_ADDR 0x2020 #define PLAYER_SHOT_DATA_ADDR 0x2025 #define PLAYER_SHOT_DATA_SIZE 7 #define ROLLING_SHOT_ADDR 0x2030 #define ROLLING_SHOT_SIZE 16 #define PLUNGER_SHOT_ADDR 0x2040 #define PLUNGER_SHOT_SIZE 16 #define SQUIGGLY_SHOT_ADDR 0x2050 #define SQUIGGLY_SHOT_SIZE 16 #define SAUCER_ADDR 0x2083 #define SAUCER_SIZE 10 #define P1_ADDR 0x2100 #define P2_ADDR 0x2200 #define SPLASH_DESC_ADDR 0x20c5 #if __BYTE_ORDER__ != __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ #error "This code is Little Endian only." #endif struct Word { union { uint16_t u16; struct { uint8_t l; uint8_t h; }; struct { uint8_t y; uint8_t x; }; }; } __attribute__ ((packed)); // 4 typedef struct Word Word; struct SprDesc { Word spr; union { Word pos; // pixel position Word sc; // screen address }; uint8_t n; } __attribute__ ((packed)); // 5 typedef struct SprDesc SprDesc; struct GameObjHeader { uint8_t TimerMSB; uint8_t TimerLSB; uint8_t TimerExtra; Word Handler; } __attribute__ ((packed)); // 5 typedef struct GameObjHeader GameObjHeader; struct AShot { uint8_t Status; uint8_t StepCnt; uint8_t Track; Word CFir; uint8_t BlowCnt; SprDesc Desc; } __attribute__ ((packed)); // 11 typedef struct AShot AShot; struct Mem { uint8_t pad_01[3063]; // 0x0000 uint8_t MSG_TAITO_COP[9]; // 0x0bf7 uint8_t pad_02[3601]; // 0x0c00 uint8_t soundDelayKey[16]; // 0x1a11 uint8_t soundDelayValue[16]; // 0x1a21 uint8_t pad_03[112]; // 0x1a31 uint8_t ShotReloadRate[5]; // 0x1aa1 uint8_t MSG_GAME_OVER__PLAYER___[20]; // 0x1aa6 uint8_t MSG_1_OR_2PLAYERS_BUTTON[20]; // 0x1aba uint8_t pad_04; // 0x1ace uint8_t MSG_ONLY_1PLAYER__BUTTON[20]; // 0x1acf uint8_t pad_05; // 0x1ae3 uint8_t MSG__SCORE_1__HI_SCORE_SCORE_2__[28]; // 0x1ae4 uint8_t pad_06[112]; // 0x1b00 uint8_t MSG_PLAY_PLAYER_1_[14]; // 0x1b70 uint8_t pad_07[66]; // 0x1b7e uint8_t SPLASH_SHOT_OBJDATA[16]; // 0x1bc0 uint8_t pad_08[144]; // 0x1bd0 uint8_t PLAYER_SPRITES[48]; // 0x1c60 uint8_t pad_09[9]; // 0x1c90 uint8_t MSG__10_POINTS[10]; // 0x1c99 uint8_t MSG__SCORE_ADVANCE_TABLE_[21]; // 0x1ca3 uint8_t AReloadScoreTab[4]; // 0x1cb8 uint8_t MSG_TILT[4]; // 0x1cbc uint8_t pad_10[28]; // 0x1cc0 uint8_t AlienShotExplodingSprite[6]; // 0x1cdc uint8_t pad_11[24]; // 0x1ce2 uint8_t MSG_PLAY2[5]; // 0x1cfa uint8_t pad_12[33]; // 0x1cff uint8_t SHIELD_SPRITE[44]; // 0x1d20 uint8_t SauScrValueTab[4]; // 0x1d4c uint8_t SauScrStrTab[4]; // 0x1d50 uint8_t pad_13[40]; // 0x1d54 uint8_t SpriteSaucerExp[24]; // 0x1d7c uint8_t MSG__50[3]; // 0x1d94 uint8_t MSG_100[3]; // 0x1d97 uint8_t MSG_150[3]; // 0x1d9a uint8_t MSG_300[3]; // 0x1d9d uint8_t AlienScores[3]; // 0x1da0 uint8_t AlienStartTable[8]; // 0x1da3 uint8_t MSG_PLAY[4]; // 0x1dab uint8_t MSG_SPACE__INVADERS[15]; // 0x1daf uint8_t SCORE_ADV_SPRITE_LIST[17]; // 0x1dbe uint8_t SCORE_ADV_MSG_LIST[17]; // 0x1dcf uint8_t MSG____MYSTERY[10]; // 0x1de0 uint8_t MSG__30_POINTS[10]; // 0x1dea uint8_t MSG__20_POINTS[10]; // 0x1df4 uint8_t pad_14[338]; // 0x1dfe uint8_t MSG__1_OR_2_PLAYERS___[18]; // 0x1f50 uint8_t pad_15[46]; // 0x1f62 uint8_t MSG_INSERT__COIN[12]; // 0x1f90 uint8_t CREDIT_TABLE[4]; // 0x1f9c uint8_t CREDIT_TABLE_COINS[9]; // 0x1fa0 uint8_t MSG_CREDIT_[7]; // 0x1fa9 uint8_t pad_16[67]; // 0x1fb0 uint8_t MSG_PUSH[4]; // 0x1ff3 uint8_t pad_17[9]; // 0x1ff7 // start of ram mirror uint8_t waitOnDraw; // 0x2000 uint8_t pad_18; // 0x2001 uint8_t alienIsExploding; // 0x2002 uint8_t expAlienTimer; // 0x2003 uint8_t alienRow; // 0x2004 uint8_t alienFrame; // 0x2005 uint8_t alienCurIndex; // 0x2006 Word refAlienDelta; // 0x2007 Word refAlienPos; // 0x2009 Word alienPos; // 0x200b uint8_t rackDirection; // 0x200d uint8_t rackDownDelta; // 0x200e uint8_t pad_19; // 0x200f GameObjHeader playerHeader; // 0x2010 uint8_t playerAlive; // 0x2015 uint8_t expAnimateTimer; // 0x2016 uint8_t expAnimateCnt; // 0x2017 SprDesc playerDesc; // 0x2018 uint8_t nextDemoCmd; // 0x201d uint8_t hidMessSeq; // 0x201e uint8_t pad_20; // 0x201f GameObjHeader plyrShotHeader; // 0x2020 uint8_t plyrShotStatus; // 0x2025 uint8_t blowUpTimer; // 0x2026 SprDesc playerShotDesc; // 0x2027 uint8_t shotDeltaYr; // 0x202c uint8_t fireBounce; // 0x202d uint8_t pad_21[2]; // 0x202e GameObjHeader rolShotHeader; // 0x2030 AShot rolShotData; // 0x2035 GameObjHeader pluShotHeader; // 0x2040 AShot pluShotData; // 0x2045 GameObjHeader squShotHeader; // 0x2050 AShot squShotData; // 0x2055 uint8_t pad_22; // 0x2060 uint8_t collision; // 0x2061 SprDesc expAlien; // 0x2062 uint8_t playerDataMSB; // 0x2067 uint8_t playerOK; // 0x2068 uint8_t enableAlienFire; // 0x2069 uint8_t alienFireDelay; // 0x206a uint8_t pad_23; // 0x206b uint8_t temp206C; // 0x206c uint8_t invaded; // 0x206d uint8_t skipPlunger; // 0x206e uint8_t pad_24; // 0x206f uint8_t otherShot1; // 0x2070 uint8_t otherShot2; // 0x2071 uint8_t vblankStatus; // 0x2072 AShot aShot; // 0x2073 uint8_t alienShotDelta; // 0x207e uint8_t shotPicEnd; // 0x207f uint8_t shotSync; // 0x2080 uint8_t tmp2081; // 0x2081 uint8_t numAliens; // 0x2082 uint8_t saucerStart; // 0x2083 uint8_t saucerActive; // 0x2084 uint8_t saucerHit; // 0x2085 uint8_t saucerHitTime; // 0x2086 SprDesc saucerDesc; // 0x2087 uint8_t saucerDXr; // 0x208c Word sauScore; // 0x208d Word shotCount; // 0x208f Word saucerTimer; // 0x2091 uint8_t waitStartLoop; // 0x2093 uint8_t soundPort3; // 0x2094 uint8_t changeFleetSnd; // 0x2095 uint8_t fleetSndCnt; // 0x2096 uint8_t fleetSndReload; // 0x2097 uint8_t soundPort5; // 0x2098 uint8_t extraHold; // 0x2099 uint8_t tilt; // 0x209a uint8_t fleetSndHold; // 0x209b uint8_t pad_25[36]; // 0x209c // end of partial ram restore at 0x20c0 uint8_t isrDelay; // 0x20c0 uint8_t isrSplashTask; // 0x20c1 uint8_t splashAnForm; // 0x20c2 Word splashDelta; // 0x20c3 Word splashPos; // 0x20c5 Word splashPic; // 0x20c7 uint8_t splashPicSize; // 0x20c9 uint8_t splashTargetX; // 0x20ca uint8_t splashReached; // 0x20cb Word splashImRest; // 0x20cc uint8_t twoPlayers; // 0x20ce uint8_t aShotReloadRate; // 0x20cf uint8_t pad_26[21]; // 0x20d0 Word playerExtras; // 0x20e5 Word playerStates; // 0x20e7 uint8_t gameTasksRunning; // 0x20e9 uint8_t coinSwitch; // 0x20ea uint8_t numCoins; // 0x20eb uint8_t splashAnimate; // 0x20ec Word demoCmdPtr; // 0x20ed uint8_t gameMode; // 0x20ef uint8_t pad_27; // 0x20f0 uint8_t adjustScore; // 0x20f1 Word scoreDelta; // 0x20f2 Word HiScor; // 0x20f4 uint8_t pad_28[2]; // 0x20f6 Word P1Scor; // 0x20f8 uint8_t pad_29[2]; // 0x20fa Word P2Scor; // 0x20fc uint8_t pad_30[68]; // 0x20fe // end of ram mirror at 0x2100 uint8_t p1ShieldBuffer[176]; // 0x2142 uint8_t pad_31[9]; // 0x21f2 uint8_t p1RefAlienDX; // 0x21fb Word p1RefAlienPos; // 0x21fc uint8_t p1RackCnt; // 0x21fe uint8_t p1ShipsRem; // 0x21ff uint8_t pad_32[66]; // 0x2200 uint8_t p2ShieldBuffer[176]; // 0x2242 uint8_t pad_33[9]; // 0x22f2 uint8_t p2RefAlienDX; // 0x22fb Word p2RefAlienPos; // 0x22fc uint8_t p2RackCnt; // 0x22fe uint8_t p2ShipsRem; // 0x22ff uint8_t pad_34[256]; // 0x2300 uint8_t vram[7168]; // 0x2400 // Technically the region below is supposed to be a mirror, but AFAICT, // that property is not used by the SI code. // // The 'PLAy' animation does do some oob writes during DrawSprite, // which effectively do nothing because they end up trying to write to ROM // // So, as a catchall, we just reserve this area up to the end of the address space. uint8_t oob[49152]; // 0x4000 } __attribute ((packed)); typedef struct Mem Mem; typedef struct PriCursor { uint8_t* src; Word sc; uint8_t* obj; } PriCursor; typedef struct ShieldBufferCursor { Word sc; uint8_t* iter; } ShieldBufferCursor; typedef enum YieldReason { YIELD_INIT = 0, YIELD_TIMESLICE, YIELD_INTFIN, YIELD_WAIT_FOR_START, YIELD_PLAYER_DEATH, YIELD_INVADED, YIELD_TILT, YIELD_UNKNOWN, } YieldReason; enum Keys { KEYS_LEFT = 1, KEYS_RIGHT = 2, KEYS_START = 4, KEYS_START2 = 8, KEYS_FIRE = 16, KEYS_COIN = 32, KEYS_TILT = 64, KEYS_DIP6 = 128, KEYS_DIP7 = 256, KEYS_SPECIAL1 = 512, KEYS_SPECIAL2 = 1024, KEYS_QUIT = 2048 }; #define KEY_LIST \ KEY_MAP('a', KEYS_LEFT); \ KEY_MAP('d', KEYS_RIGHT); \ KEY_MAP('1', KEYS_START); \ KEY_MAP('2', KEYS_START2); \ KEY_MAP('j', KEYS_FIRE); \ KEY_MAP('5', KEYS_COIN); \ KEY_MAP('t', KEYS_TILT); \ KEY_MAP('6', KEYS_DIP6); \ KEY_MAP('7', KEYS_DIP7); \ KEY_MAP('z', KEYS_SPECIAL1); \ KEY_MAP('x', KEYS_SPECIAL2); \ KEY_MAP(SDLK_ESCAPE, KEYS_QUIT); #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 static void do_logprintf(const char *file, unsigned line, const char* format, ...); #define logprintf(...) { do_logprintf(__FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__); } #include "si78c_proto.h" // Coordinate Systems // ------------------ // // Natural Units // ------------- // // For readability, this codebase uses the following coordinate system // where possible. // // The origin is at the bottom left corner. // // X goes +ve towards the rhs of the screen. // Y goes +ve towards the top of the screen. // // (0,256) // ^ // | // y | // | // |----------> (224,0) // (0,0) x // // Game Units // ------------- // // The game uses two different coordinate systems, both of which // fit into a 16-bit word, and come with an offset. // // pix - Pixel positions between 0x2000 and 0xffff // sc - Screen RAM addresses between 0x2400 and 0x3fff // // pix coordinates are used to move and draw objects that require per pixel shifting, // like the aliens and the bullets. // // sc coordinates are used for drawing text and other simple sprites, and also when // blitting sprites after they have been shifted. // // The following macros are used to convert between natural units and game units. #define xysc(x, y) ((x)*32 + (y)/8) #define xytosc(x, y) u16_to_word(0x2400 + xysc((x),(y))) #define xpix(x) ((x)+32) #define xytopix(x, y) u16_to_word((xpix((x)) << 8) | (y)) #define STACK_SIZE 65536 #define CRED1 17152 #define CRED2 16384 static Mem m; static uint8_t *rawmem = (uint8_t*) &m; static int64_t ticks; static int im; static int irq_state; static int irq_vector; static uint16_t shift_data; static uint8_t shift_count; static ucontext_t frontend_ctx; static ucontext_t main_ctx; static ucontext_t int_ctx; static ucontext_t *prev_ctx; static ucontext_t *curr_ctx; static uint8_t main_ctx_stack[STACK_SIZE]; static uint8_t int_ctx_stack[STACK_SIZE]; static YieldReason yield_reason; static SDL_Window *window; static SDL_Renderer *renderer; static const int renderscale = 2; static uint64_t keystate; static int exited; static uint8_t port1; static uint8_t port2; int main(int argc, char **argv) { init_renderer(); init_game(); int credit = 0; size_t frame = -1; while (1) { frame++; input(); if (exited) break; // preserves timing compatibility with MAME if (frame == 1) credit--; // up to mid credit += CRED1; loop_core(&credit); irq(0xcf); // up to vblank credit += CRED2; loop_core(&credit); irq(0xd7); render(); } fini_game(); fini_renderer(); return 0; } static void input() { SDL_Event event_buffer[64]; size_t num = 0; while (num < 64) { int has = SDL_PollEvent(&event_buffer[num]); if (!has) break; num++; } for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { SDL_Event e = event_buffer[i]; if (e.type == SDL_QUIT) { e.type = SDL_KEYDOWN; e.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_ESCAPE; } if (! (e.type == SDL_KEYDOWN || e.type == SDL_KEYUP)) continue; uint64_t mask = 0; uint64_t f = e.type == SDL_KEYDOWN; switch (e.key.keysym.sym) { #define KEY_MAP(x, y) case x: mask = y; break; KEY_LIST #undef KEY_MAP } keystate = (keystate & ~mask) | (-f & mask); } #define BIT(x) (!!(keystate & (x))) port1 = (BIT(KEYS_RIGHT) << 6) | (BIT(KEYS_LEFT) << 5) | (BIT(KEYS_FIRE) << 4) | (1 << 3) | (BIT(KEYS_START) << 2) | (BIT(KEYS_START2) << 1) | (BIT(KEYS_COIN) << 0); port2 = (BIT(KEYS_DIP7) << 7) | (BIT(KEYS_RIGHT) << 6) | (BIT(KEYS_LEFT) << 5) | (BIT(KEYS_FIRE) << 4) | (BIT(KEYS_DIP6) << 3) | (BIT(KEYS_TILT) << 2); exited = BIT(KEYS_QUIT); } static void init_renderer() { int rc = SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING); assert(rc == 0); window = SDL_CreateWindow("si78c", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, 224 * renderscale, 256 * renderscale, 0); assert(window); SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC); assert(renderer); } static void fini_renderer() { SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer); SDL_DestroyWindow(window); } static void render() { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderClear(renderer); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 255); const uint8_t *iter = rawmem + 0x2400; for (int y = 0; y < 224; ++y) { for (int xi = 0; xi < 32; ++xi) { uint8_t byte = *iter++; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { int x = xi * 8 + i; int on = (byte >> i) & 0x1; if (on) { SDL_Rect rect; rect.x = y * renderscale; rect.y = (256 - x - 1) * renderscale; rect.w = renderscale; rect.h = renderscale; SDL_RenderDrawRect(renderer, &rect); } } } } SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); } static void loop_core(int *credit) { int allowed = 1; while (*credit > 0) *credit -= execute(allowed); } static void init_game() { assert(sizeof(m) == 0x10000); load_rom(&m); assert(checksum(&m) == 0x6dfbd7cc); init_threads(YIELD_INIT); } static void fini_game() { } static void init_threads(YieldReason entry_point) { int rc = getcontext(&main_ctx); assert(rc == 0); main_ctx.uc_stack.ss_sp = main_ctx_stack; main_ctx.uc_stack.ss_size = STACK_SIZE; main_ctx.uc_link = &frontend_ctx; makecontext(&main_ctx, (void (*)()) run_main_ctx, 1, entry_point); rc = getcontext(&int_ctx); int_ctx.uc_stack.ss_sp = &int_ctx_stack; int_ctx.uc_stack.ss_size = STACK_SIZE; int_ctx.uc_link = &frontend_ctx; makecontext(&int_ctx, run_int_ctx, 0); prev_ctx = &main_ctx; curr_ctx = &frontend_ctx; } static void run_main_ctx(YieldReason entry) { switch(entry) { case YIELD_INIT: reset(); break; case YIELD_WAIT_FOR_START: WaitForStart(); break; case YIELD_PLAYER_DEATH: player_death(0); break; case YIELD_INVADED: on_invaded(); break; case YIELD_TILT: on_tilt(); break; default: assert(FALSE); } } static void run_int_ctx() { while (1) { // 0xcf = RST 1 opcode (call 0x8) // 0xd7 = RST 2 opcode (call 0x16) if (irq_vector == 0xcf) midscreen_int(); else if (irq_vector == 0xd7) vblank_int(); enable_interrupts(); yield(YIELD_INTFIN); } } static unsigned checksum(Mem *m) { assert(sizeof(*m) == 0x10000); assert((uintptr_t) m % 4 == 0); unsigned *ptr = (unsigned*) m; size_t n = sizeof(*m) / 4; unsigned sum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) sum += ptr[i]; return sum; } static void rom_load(void *mem, const char* name, size_t offset, size_t len) { char fbuf[256]; sprintf(fbuf, "inv1/%s", name); FILE *romfile = fopen(fbuf, "r"); assert(romfile); ssize_t rn = fread((char*) mem + offset, 1, len, romfile); assert((size_t) rn == len); fclose(romfile); } static void load_rom(void *mem) { rom_load(mem, "invaders.h", 0x0000, 0x0800); rom_load(mem, "invaders.g", 0x0800, 0x0800); rom_load(mem, "invaders.f", 0x1000, 0x0800); rom_load(mem, "invaders.e", 0x1800, 0x0800); } static int execute(int allowed) { int64_t start = ticks; ucontext_t *next = NULL; switch (yield_reason) { case YIELD_INIT: case YIELD_TIMESLICE: next = prev_ctx; break; case YIELD_INTFIN: next = &main_ctx; break; case YIELD_PLAYER_DEATH: case YIELD_WAIT_FOR_START: case YIELD_INVADED: init_threads(yield_reason); enable_interrupts(); next = &main_ctx; break; case YIELD_TILT: init_threads(yield_reason); next = &main_ctx; break; default: assert(FALSE); } yield_reason = YIELD_UNKNOWN; if (allowed && interrupted()) { next = &int_ctx; } switch_to(next); return ticks - start; } static void switch_to(ucontext_t *to) { co_switch(curr_ctx, to); } static void co_switch(ucontext_t *prev, ucontext_t *next) { prev_ctx = prev; curr_ctx = next; swapcontext(prev, next); } static void timeslice() { ticks += 30; yield(YIELD_TIMESLICE); } static void yield(YieldReason reason) { yield_reason = reason; switch_to(&frontend_ctx); } static uint8_t get_input(int64_t ticks, uint8_t port) { if (port == 1) return port1; if (port == 2) return port2; fatalerror("unknown port %d\n", port); return 0; } static uint8_t read_port(uint8_t port) { if (port == 3) return (shift_data << shift_count) >> 8; uint8_t val = get_input(ticks, port); return val; } static void write_port(uint16_t port, uint8_t v) { if (port == 2) { shift_count = v & 0x7; } else if (port == 4) { shift_data = (v << 8) | (shift_data >> 8); } timeslice(); } static void enable_interrupts() { im = 1; } static void irq(uint8_t v) { irq_vector = v; irq_state = 1; } static int interrupted() { // The two interrupts correspond to midscreen, and start of vblank. // 0xcf = RST 1 opcode (call 0x8) // 0xd7 = RST 2 opcode (call 0x16) if (irq_state && im) { assert(irq_vector == 0xcf || irq_vector == 0xd7); irq_state = 0; im = 0; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void fatalerror(const char* format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); vfprintf(stdout, format, ap); va_end(ap); fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); exit(1); } static inline Word u16_to_word(uint16_t u) { Word w; w.u16 = u; return w; } static inline Word u8_u8_to_word(uint8_t h, uint8_t l) { return u16_to_word((h << 8) | l); } static inline uint16_t ptr_to_u16(uint8_t *ptr) { return (uint16_t) (ptr - (uint8_t*) &m); } static inline Word ptr_to_word(uint8_t *ptr) { return u16_to_word(ptr_to_u16(ptr)); } static inline uint8_t* u16_to_ptr(uint16_t u) { return ((uint8_t*) &m) + u; } static inline uint8_t* word_to_ptr(Word w) { return u16_to_ptr(w.u16); } static int is_godmode() { uint16_t addr = 0x060f; uint8_t nops[] = {0,0,0}; return memcmp(((uint8_t*) &m) + addr, nops, 3) == 0; } static uint8_t* rompos(uint8_t* ram) { return ram - 0x500; } static uint8_t bcd_add(uint8_t bcd, uint8_t a, uint8_t *carry) { // Add the given number to the given bcd value, as per ADI / ADDB etc int q = bcd + a + *carry; *carry = (q >> 8) & 0x1; int aux = (bcd ^ q ^ a) & 0x10; bcd = q; // Adjust the result back into bcd as per DAA uint8_t w = bcd; if (aux || ((bcd & 0xf) > 9)) w += 6; if ((*carry) || (bcd > 0x99)) w += 0x60; *carry |= bcd > 0x99; bcd = w; return bcd; } static void do_logprintf(const char *file, unsigned line, const char* format, ...) { fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: ", file, line); va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); vfprintf(stdout, format, ap); va_end(ap); fflush(stdout); } static void DebugMessage(Word sc, uint8_t* msg, uint8_t n) { uint16_t raw = sc.u16 - 0x2400; uint16_t x = raw / 32; uint16_t y = (raw % 32) * 8; static const char *alpha = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789<> =*...............?......-"; char sbuf[256]; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) sbuf[i] = alpha[msg[i]]; sbuf[n] = '\0'; logprintf("Print Message %04x %d (%d,%d) \"%s\"\n", ptr_to_word(msg).u16, n, x, y, sbuf); } // GAMECODE START // The entry point on reset or power up static void reset() { // xref 0000 main_init(0); } // Executed via interrupt when the beam hits the middle of the screen static void midscreen_int() { // xref 0008 // xref 008c m.vblankStatus = BEAM_MIDDLE; if (m.gameTasksRunning == 0) return; if (!m.gameMode && !(m.isrSplashTask & 0x1)) return; // xref 00a5 // Run game objects but skip over first entry (player) RunGameObjs(u16_to_ptr(PLAYER_SHOT_ADDR)); CursorNextAlien(); } // Executed via interrupt when the beam hits the end of the screen static void vblank_int() { // xref 0010 m.vblankStatus = BEAM_VBLANK; m.isrDelay--; CheckHandleTilt(); vblank_coins(); if (m.gameTasksRunning == 0) return; if (m.gameMode) { // xref 006f TimeFleetSound(); m.shotSync = m.rolShotHeader.TimerExtra; DrawAlien(); RunGameObjs(u16_to_ptr(PLAYER_ADDR)); TimeToSaucer(); return; } if (m.numCoins != 0) { // xref 005d if (m.waitStartLoop) return; m.waitStartLoop = 1; yield(YIELD_WAIT_FOR_START); assert(FALSE); } ISRSplTasks(); } // Read coin input and handle debouncing static void vblank_coins() { // xref 0020 if (read_port(1) & COIN_BIT) { // xref 0067 m.coinSwitch = 1; // Remember switch state for debounce // xref 003f // useless update m.coinSwitch = 1; return; } // xref 0026 // Skip registering the credit if prev and current states were both zero if (m.coinSwitch == 0) return; uint8_t bcd = m.numCoins; // Add credit if it won't cause a rollover if (bcd != 0x99) { uint8_t carry = 0; m.numCoins = bcd_add(bcd, 1, &carry); DrawNumCredits(); } m.coinSwitch = 0; } // Initialize the alien rack speed and position using the current player's alien rack data static void InitRack() { // xref 00b1 uint8_t* al_ref_ptr = GetAlRefPtr(); Word refpos; refpos.y = *(al_ref_ptr); refpos.x = *(al_ref_ptr + 1); m.refAlienPos = refpos; m.alienPos = refpos; uint8_t dxr = *(al_ref_ptr - 1); if (dxr == 3) --dxr; m.refAlienDelta.x = dxr; m.rackDirection = (dxr == (uint8_t) -2) ? 1 : 0; } // Set up P1 and P2 Rack data static void InitAlienRacks() { // xref 00d7 // Added for si78c testing infrastructure // In normal operation, dx is hardcoded to 2 uint8_t dx = ((uint8_t*) &m)[0x00d8]; m.p1RefAlienDX = dx; m.p2RefAlienDX = dx; // xref 08e4 if (m.twoPlayers) return; ClearSmallSprite(xytosc(168, 224), 32, 0); } // Draw the alien, called via vblank_int() // Only one alien is ever drawn per frame, causing a ripple effect. // This also somewhat determines the game speed. // // The alien rack is effectively moving at // (2.0 / num_aliens) pixels per frame // // If 55 aliens are alive, then it will take almost one second to move all the aliens by 2 pixels. // If 1 alien is alive, then it will only take one frame to move 2 pixels. static void DrawAlien() { // xref 0100 if (m.alienIsExploding) { if (--m.expAlienTimer) return; EraseSimpleSprite(m.expAlien.pos, 16); m.plyrShotStatus = 4; m.alienIsExploding = 0; SoundBits3Off(0xf7); return; } uint8_t ai = m.alienCurIndex; uint8_t* alienptr = u16_to_ptr(m.playerDataMSB << 8 | ai); if (*alienptr == 0) { // The alien is dead, so skip it and tell CursorNextAlien to advance. m.waitOnDraw = 0; return; } // Look up the correct alien sprite based on row and anim frame uint8_t row = m.alienRow; static const uint8_t mul[] = {0,0,16,16,32}; uint8_t* sprite = u16_to_ptr(0x1c00 + mul[row] + m.alienFrame * 48); SprDesc desc; desc.pos = m.alienPos; desc.spr = ptr_to_word(sprite); desc.n = 16; DrawSprite(&desc); m.waitOnDraw = 0; // This flag is synced with CursorNextAlien } // Find the next live alien to draw. Also detects whether rack has reached the bottom. static void CursorNextAlien() { // xref 0141 if (m.playerOK == 0) return; if (m.waitOnDraw != 0) return; Word ai; ai.h = m.playerDataMSB; ai.l = m.alienCurIndex; uint8_t movecnt = 0x02; // limits MoveRefAlien to be called once // Advance the cursor until we find a live alien to draw. // If the cursor reaches the end, move ref alien, flip anim and reset cursor to zero. while (TRUE) { timeslice(); ++ai.l; // inlined MoveRefAlien if (ai.l == 55) { if (--movecnt == 0) return; m.alienCurIndex = 0; ai.l = 0; uint8_t dy = m.refAlienDelta.y; m.refAlienDelta.y = 0; AddDelta(&m.refAlienDelta.y, dy); m.alienFrame = !m.alienFrame; (void) (uint8_t) (m.playerDataMSB); // unused } // If we found live alien to draw, then break if (*word_to_ptr(ai)) break; } m.alienCurIndex = ai.l; uint8_t row = 0; Word pixnum = GetAlienCoords(&row, ai.l); m.alienPos = pixnum; if (pixnum.y < 40) { // xref 1971 // kill the player due to invasion m.invaded = 1; yield(YIELD_INVADED); assert(FALSE); } m.alienRow = row; m.waitOnDraw = 1; } // Given alien index k, return alien position and row static Word GetAlienCoords(uint8_t *rowout, uint8_t k) { // xref 017a uint8_t row = k / 11; uint8_t col = k % 11; uint8_t y = m.refAlienPos.y + 16 * row; uint8_t x = m.refAlienPos.x + 16 * col; *rowout = row; return u8_u8_to_word(x, y); } // Init all the aliens at dest to alive static void InitAliensSub(uint8_t* dest) { // xref 01c0 for (int i = 0; i < 55; ++i) *dest++ = 1; } // Init all the aliens for P1 static void InitAliensP1() { // xref 01c0 InitAliensSub(u16_to_ptr(P1_ADDR)); } // Draw a one pixel (leftmost/bottommost in byte) stripe across the screen (224 pix wide) // 16 pixels above the origin. static void DrawBottomLine() { // xref 01cf ClearSmallSprite(xytosc(0,16), 224, 1); } // Given four bytes at vecptr treat them as two vecs - dy dx, y x // and do this: // // (y,x) += (c, dx) // // Used to move objects static uint8_t AddDelta(uint8_t* vecptr, uint8_t c) { vecptr++; // skip dy uint8_t dy = c; uint8_t dx = *vecptr++; uint8_t y = *vecptr + dy; *vecptr++ = y; uint8_t x = *vecptr + dx; *vecptr++ = x; return x; } // Restore into RAM mirror (addr, n) from ROM static void RestoreFromROM(uint8_t* addr, size_t n) { BlockCopy(addr, rompos(addr), n); } // Restore the entire RAM mirror (256 bytes), used at startup static void CopyRomtoRam() { // xref 01e6 RestoreFromROM(u16_to_ptr(0x2000), 256); } // Partially restore the RAM mirror (first 192 bytes) // The last 64 bytes are managed elsewhere, and some are // persistent across games (hi scores etc) static void CopyRAMMirror() { // xref 01e4 RestoreFromROM(u16_to_ptr(0x2000), 192); } // Initialize P1 shields into off screen buffer static void DrawShieldP1() { // xref 01ef DrawShieldCommon(m.p1ShieldBuffer); } // Initialize P2 shields into off screen buffer static void DrawShieldP2() { // xref 01f5 DrawShieldCommon(m.p2ShieldBuffer); } // Initialize shields into given buffer static void DrawShieldCommon(uint8_t* dest) { // xref 01f8 size_t n = 44; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i, dest += n) BlockCopy(dest, m.SHIELD_SPRITE, n); } // Copy on screen shields into P1 off screen buffer to remember damage static void RememberShieldsP1() { // xref 0209 CopyShields(1, m.p1ShieldBuffer); } // Copy on screen shields into P2 off screen buffer to remember damage static void RememberShieldsP2() { // xref 020e CopyShields(1, m.p2ShieldBuffer); } // Copy off screen shields from P2 buffer back to screen static void RestoreShieldsP2() { // xref 0213 CopyShields(0, m.p2ShieldBuffer); } // Copy off screen shields from P1 buffer back to screen static void RestoreShieldsP1() { // xref 021a CopyShields(0, m.p1ShieldBuffer); } // Generic shield copy routine. Copy into or out of given buffer. // dir = 0 - buffer to screen // dir = 1 - screen to buffer static void CopyShields(uint8_t dir, uint8_t* sprbuf) { // xref 021e m.tmp2081 = dir; Word sprsz = u8_u8_to_word(22, 2); // 22 rows, 2 bytes per row ShieldBufferCursor cursor; cursor.sc = xytosc(32, 48); cursor.iter = sprbuf; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { uint8_t unused = m.tmp2081; (void) (unused); CopyShieldBuffer(&cursor, sprsz, dir); cursor.sc.u16 += xysc(23, 0); } } // Do the generic (base class) handling for the 5 game objects. // Checks the timer flags to see if object is ready to run, and if so // finds the appropriate subclass handler and calls it. static void RunGameObjs(uint8_t* ptr) { // xref 0248 for ( ; ; ptr += 16) { GameObjHeader* obj = (GameObjHeader*)(ptr); uint8_t timer_hi = obj->TimerMSB; // end of list check if (timer_hi == 0xff) return; // object skip check if (timer_hi == 0xfe) continue; uint8_t timer_lo = obj->TimerLSB; // decrement timer if its not zero if (timer_hi | timer_lo) { // xref 0277 // timers are big endian for some reason. if (timer_lo == 0) --timer_hi; // decrement msb if necc --timer_lo; // decrement lsb obj->TimerLSB = timer_lo; obj->TimerMSB = timer_hi; continue; } uint8_t timer_extra = obj->TimerExtra; if (timer_extra != 0) { // xref 0288 obj->TimerExtra--; continue; } // The object is ready to run, so grab the handler and run it uint16_t fnlo = obj->Handler.l; uint16_t fnhi = obj->Handler.h; uint16_t fn = fnhi << 8 | fnlo; uint8_t* data = (ptr + sizeof(GameObjHeader)); switch(fn) { case 0x028e: GameObj0(data); break; case 0x03bb: GameObj1(data); break; case 0x0476: GameObj2(data); break; case 0x04b6: GameObj3(data); break; case 0x0682: GameObj4(data); break; case 0x050e: ProcessSquigglyShot(); break; // splash anim default: assert(FALSE); break; } } } // Handles player movement and rendering // Unlike other game objects, this is only run during the vblank interrupt, and // runs on each vblank interrupt static void GameObj0(uint8_t* unused) { // xref 028e uint8_t pstate = m.playerAlive; if (pstate != 0xff) // 0xff means player is alive { HandleBlowingUpPlayer(pstate); return; } // xref 033b m.playerOK = 1; // xref 03b0 if (m.enableAlienFire == 0) { // xref 03b3 if (--m.alienFireDelay == 0) m.enableAlienFire = 1; } // xref 034a uint8_t x = m.playerDesc.pos.x; uint8_t input = 0; if (m.gameMode == 0) { input = m.nextDemoCmd; } else { input = ReadInputs(); // Map joystick controls into the same domain as the demo commands if ((input >> 6) & 0x1) input = 1; else if ((input >> 5) & 0x1) input = 2; else input = 0; } if (input == 0) { // Do nothing } else if (input == 1) { // Move player to the right if (x != xpix(185)) { ++x; m.playerDesc.pos.x = x; } } else if (input == 2) { // Move player to the left if (x != xpix(16)) { --x; m.playerDesc.pos.x = x; } } else { assert(FALSE); } DrawPlayer(); } // Handle the player's death animation. Resets the stack once complete, // and re-entry is through player_death(0) static void HandleBlowingUpPlayer(uint8_t anim) { // xref 0296 if (--m.expAnimateTimer != 0) return; m.playerOK = 0; m.enableAlienFire = 0; m.alienFireDelay = 48; m.expAnimateTimer = 5; if (--m.expAnimateCnt != 0) { // Still animating the explosion anim = !anim; m.playerAlive = anim; m.playerDesc.spr = ptr_to_word((m.PLAYER_SPRITES + (anim+1) * 16)); DrawPlayer(); return; } EraseSimpleSprite(m.playerDesc.pos, 16); RestoreFromROM(u16_to_ptr(PLAYER_ADDR), PLAYER_SIZE); SoundBits3Off(0); if (m.invaded) return; // Return to splash screens in demo mode if (m.gameMode == 0) return; yield(YIELD_PLAYER_DEATH); assert(FALSE); } // Handle cleanup tasks related to player dying, such as lives and score adjustment, // switching players and calling GameOver if necessary. // If invaded is one, the player loses the game, regardless of number of lives left. // This routine is called after a stack reset, see on_invaded() and HandleBlowingUpPlayer() static void player_death(int invaded) { // xref 02d4 int switch_players = player_death_sub(invaded); if (!switch_players) { if (!*(GetOtherPlayerAliveFlag()) || !m.twoPlayers) { RemoveShip(); NewGame(0, 0, INIT | PROMPT | SHIELDS); } } uint8_t pnum = m.playerDataMSB; if (pnum & 0x1) RememberShieldsP1(); else RememberShieldsP2(); uint8_t adx = 0; Word apos; uint8_t* aref = GetRefAlienInfo(&adx, &apos); *aref = apos.y; *(aref+1) = apos.x; *(aref-1) = adx; // about to switch players. CopyRAMMirror(); uint8_t carry = pnum & 0x1; uint8_t pmsb = 0x21; // p1 uint8_t cbit = 0; if (carry) { cbit = 0x20; // cocktail bit=1 pmsb = 0x22; } m.playerDataMSB = pmsb; // change players TwoSecDelay(); m.playerHeader.TimerLSB = 0; // clear player object timer write_port(5, cbit); m.soundPort5 = (cbit + 1); ClearPlayField(); RemoveShip(); // jmp to 079b. (newgame + skip) NewGame(0, 0, INIT); } // Player death cleanup subroutine. Game is lost immediately if invaded=1 // Returns true if caller should switch players, false otherwise // This subroutine will not return if all players have lost the game, instead it // will call through to GameOver, which will start a new game static int player_death_sub(int invaded) { if (!invaded) { DsableGameTasks(); uint8_t* unused; // still got some ships, keep going if (GetNumberOfShips(&unused) != 0) return FALSE; PrintNumShips(0); } // handle losing the game *CurPlyAlive() = 0; uint8_t* sc = GetScoreDescriptor(); sc++; uint8_t* hi = &m.HiScor.h; uint8_t hi_score_msb = *(hi); uint8_t pl_score_msb = *(sc); hi--; sc--; uint8_t hi_score_lsb = *(hi); uint8_t pl_score_lsb = 0; int higher = FALSE; if (hi_score_msb == pl_score_msb) { // same msb, must check lower pl_score_lsb = *(sc); higher = pl_score_lsb > hi_score_lsb; } else { higher = pl_score_msb > hi_score_msb; } if (higher) { *hi++ = *sc++; *hi = *sc; PrintHiScore(); } // xref 1698 if (m.twoPlayers) { // Game over player<n> Word sc = xytosc(32, 24); sc = PrintMessageDel(sc, m.MSG_GAME_OVER__PLAYER___, 0x14); sc.u16 -= xysc(16, 0); // back up to player indicator uint8_t b = (m.playerDataMSB & 0x1) ? 0x1b : 0x1c; sc = DrawChar(sc, b); // print player num OneSecDelay(); if (*(GetOtherPlayerAliveFlag()) == 0) { GameOver(); // won't return. assert(FALSE); } // switch players return TRUE; } else { GameOver(); // won't return assert(FALSE); } return FALSE; } // Generic player shot drawing routine, originally multiple small fragments static void DrawPlayerShot(int op) { // xref 0404 // xref 03f4 SprDesc plyshot = ReadPlyShot(); if (op == OP_BLEND) DrawShiftedSprite(&plyshot); else if (op == OP_ERASE) EraseShifted(&plyshot); else assert(FALSE); } // Handles player bullet movement, collision detection and rendering. // At the end of the routine, the player's shot count is used to // set up the next saucer direction and score. static void GameObj1(uint8_t* unused) { // xref 03bb // // Shot states: // // :Available(0), :Initiated(1), :Moving(2), :HitNotAlien(3), // :AlienExploded(4), :AlienExploding(5) if (!CompXrToBeam(&m.playerShotDesc.pos.x)) return; uint8_t status = m.plyrShotStatus; if (status == 0) return; if (status == 1) { // xref 03fa InitPlyShot m.plyrShotStatus = 2; m.playerShotDesc.pos.x = m.playerDesc.pos.x + 8; DrawPlayerShot(OP_BLEND); return; } else if (status == 2) { // xref 040a MovePlyShot SprDesc copy = ReadPlyShot(); EraseShifted(&copy); copy.pos.y += m.shotDeltaYr; m.playerShotDesc.pos.y = copy.pos.y; DrawSprCollision(&copy); uint8_t collided = m.collision; if (!collided) return; m.alienIsExploding = collided; return; } if (status != 3) { // xref 042a if (status == 5) return; // continues at EndOfBlowup } else { // xref 03d7 if (--m.blowUpTimer != 0) { // The shot is blowing up if (m.blowUpTimer != 0x0f) return; // Draw the explosion the first time through // xref 03df DrawPlayerShot(OP_ERASE); // Change the shot sprite to the explosion. m.playerShotDesc.spr.l++; // Modify the coords slightly for the explosion m.playerShotDesc.pos.y--; // y -= 2 m.playerShotDesc.pos.y--; m.playerShotDesc.pos.x--; // x -= 3 m.playerShotDesc.pos.x--; m.playerShotDesc.pos.x--; m.playerShotDesc.n = 8; DrawPlayerShot(OP_BLEND); return; } } // xref 0436 EndOfBlowup DrawPlayerShot(OP_ERASE); // xref 0444 // reset the shot RestoreFromROM(u16_to_ptr(PLAYER_SHOT_DATA_ADDR), PLAYER_SHOT_DATA_SIZE); // The remaining code in GameObj0 is to do with adjusting the saucer bonus and // direction, which is changed up on every player shot fired. // Adjust the saucer bonus. { Word table = m.sauScore; table.l++; if (table.l >= 0x63) table.l = 0x54; m.sauScore = table; } Word shots = m.shotCount; shots.l++; m.shotCount = shots; // xref 0461 // If saucer still on screen, don't reset the direction. if (m.saucerActive) return; // xref 0462 // // This code is using the shot counter as an index into the ROM // (where some code resides), for the purposes of random number generation. // // For the saucer direction logic, only bit 0 of each bytecode is used. // // The 256 bytes used reside at 0800 -> 08FF // // If you check bit 0 of each byte in that ROM section, you will find that there is no bias, // and there are exactly 128 0's and 128 1's. // // It seems unlikely that this was an accident, I think Nishikado deliberately constructed // the ROM this way, and used some well placed NOPs to achieve fair balance. // // E.g. these NOPs // // 0854: 00 00 00 // 0883: 00 00 00 // This information can be exploited to the player's advantage. // // If using the shot counting trick to get high scores, the // expected saucer direction for the first 6 saucers (if counting), // will be as follows: // // [22,37,52,67,82,97] // [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1] // [L, R, R, L, R, R] uint8_t v = *(word_to_ptr(shots)); // if lo bit of res is 0, then delta = -2, x = 192 (moving left from rhs) // if lo bit of res is 1, then delta = +2, x = 9 (moving right from lhs) uint8_t delta = -2; uint8_t x = xpix(192); if (v & 0x1) { delta = 2; x = xpix(9); } m.saucerDesc.pos.x = x; m.saucerDXr = delta; } // Return a copy of the player shot sprite descriptor static SprDesc ReadPlyShot() { // xref 0430 return ReadDesc(&m.playerShotDesc); } // Handles alien rolling shot firing, movement, collision detection and rendering. // This is the shot that specifically targets the player. // Most of the logic is shared between the 3 types inside HandleAlienShot. static void GameObj2(uint8_t* unused1) { // xref 0476 RestoreFromROM(&m.rolShotHeader.TimerExtra, 1); if (m.rolShotData.CFir.u16 == 0) { // The rolling shot doesn't use a firing table to choose a column to fire // from, because it specifically targets the player. // // It just uses this member as a flag to delay firing the first rolling shot m.rolShotData.CFir.u16 = 0xffff; return; } ToShotStruct(&m.rolShotData, ROL_SHOT_PICEND); m.otherShot1 = m.pluShotData.StepCnt; m.otherShot2 = m.squShotData.StepCnt; HandleAlienShot(); if (m.aShot.BlowCnt != 0) { // shot still running, copy updated data from active -> rolling and return. FromShotStruct(&m.rolShotData); return; } RestoreFromROM(u16_to_ptr(ROLLING_SHOT_ADDR), ROLLING_SHOT_SIZE); } // Handles alien plunger shot firing, movement, collision detection and rendering. static void GameObj3(uint8_t* unused) { // xref 04b6 if (m.skipPlunger) return; if (m.shotSync != 1) return; ToShotStruct(&m.pluShotData, PLU_SHOT_PICEND); m.otherShot1 = m.rolShotData.StepCnt; m.otherShot2 = m.squShotData.StepCnt; HandleAlienShot(); if (m.aShot.CFir.l >= 16) { m.aShot.CFir.l = *(rompos(&m.pluShotData.CFir.l)); } if (m.aShot.BlowCnt) { FromShotStruct(&m.pluShotData); return; } RestoreFromROM(u16_to_ptr(PLUNGER_SHOT_ADDR), PLUNGER_SHOT_SIZE); if (m.numAliens == 1) m.skipPlunger = 1; m.pluShotData.CFir = m.aShot.CFir; } // Handles alien squiggly shot firing, movement, collision detection and rendering. // This is very similar logic to the plunger shot except the column firing table // is different. static void ProcessSquigglyShot() { // xref 050f ToShotStruct(&m.squShotData, SQU_SHOT_PICEND); m.otherShot1 = m.pluShotData.StepCnt; m.otherShot2 = m.rolShotData.StepCnt; HandleAlienShot(); if (m.aShot.CFir.l >= 21) { // Restores to the rom lsb values of '6' m.aShot.CFir.l = *(rompos(&m.squShotData.CFir.l)); } if (m.aShot.BlowCnt) { FromShotStruct(&m.squShotData); return; } RestoreFromROM(u16_to_ptr(SQUIGGLY_SHOT_ADDR), SQUIGGLY_SHOT_SIZE); m.squShotData.CFir = m.aShot.CFir; } // Copy an alien shot structure from src into the active alien shot structure, // and configure the shot animation. static void ToShotStruct(AShot* src, uint8_t picend) { // xref 0550 m.shotPicEnd = picend; BlockCopy(&m.aShot, src, 11); } // Copy the active alien shot structure into dest static void FromShotStruct(AShot* dest) { // xref 055b BlockCopy( dest, &m.aShot, 11); } // This logic is shared between the 3 shot types. // Handles shot firing, movement, collision detection and rendering. static void HandleAlienShot() { // xref 0563 if ((m.aShot.Status & SHOT_ACTIVE) != 0) { HandleAlienShotMove(); return; } uint8_t shooting_c = (m.isrSplashTask == 0x04); uint8_t fire_enabled = m.enableAlienFire; if (shooting_c) { // Special case for the splash animation m.aShot.Status |= SHOT_ACTIVE; m.aShot.StepCnt++; return; } if (!fire_enabled) return; m.aShot.StepCnt = 0; { uint8_t steps = m.otherShot1; if (steps && steps <= m.aShotReloadRate) return; } { uint8_t steps = m.otherShot2; if (steps && steps <= m.aShotReloadRate) return; } uint8_t col = 0; if (m.aShot.Track == 0) { // xref 061b // Make a tracking shot, by finding the column that is above the player Word res = FindColumn(m.playerDesc.pos.x + 8); // find column over centre of player col = res.h; // res.l unused if (col >= 12) col = 11; } else { // xref 059c // Use the firing table pointer to pick the column, and advance it uint8_t* hl = word_to_ptr(m.aShot.CFir); col = *hl++; m.aShot.CFir = ptr_to_word(hl); } // xref 05a5 uint8_t k = 0; uint8_t found = FindInColumn(&k, col); if (!found) return; uint8_t row_unused = 0; Word pixnum = GetAlienCoords(&row_unused, k); pixnum.x += 7; pixnum.y -= 10; m.aShot.Desc.pos = pixnum; m.aShot.Status |= SHOT_ACTIVE; m.aShot.StepCnt++; return; } // Handle moving the alien shot and some collision detection response. // Returns 1 if shot status needs to be set to blowing up, 0 if not. static int DoHandleAlienShotMove() { if (!CompXrToBeam(&m.aShot.Desc.pos.x)) return 0; if (m.aShot.Status & SHOT_BLOWUP) { ShotBlowingUp(); return 0; } // xref 05cf m.aShot.StepCnt++; EraseAlienShot(); // Animate the shot uint8_t shotpic = m.aShot.Desc.spr.l + 3; if (shotpic > m.shotPicEnd) shotpic -= 12; m.aShot.Desc.spr.l = shotpic; m.aShot.Desc.pos.y = m.aShot.Desc.pos.y + m.alienShotDelta; DrawAlienShot(); // xref 05f3 uint8_t y = m.aShot.Desc.pos.y; if (y < 21) return 1; if (!m.collision) return 0; y = m.aShot.Desc.pos.y; // below or above players area ? if (y < 30 || y >= 39) return 1; if (!is_godmode()) m.playerAlive = 0; return 1; } // Handle moving the alien shot and some collision detection response. static void HandleAlienShotMove() { // xref 05c1 int exploded = DoHandleAlienShotMove(); if (exploded) m.aShot.Status |= SHOT_BLOWUP; } // Find a live alien in the given column. static uint8_t FindInColumn(uint8_t *out, uint8_t col) { // xref 062f Word hl; hl.h = m.playerDataMSB; hl.l = col - 1; int found = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { if (*word_to_ptr(hl)) { found = 1; break; } hl.l += 11; } *out = hl.l; return found; } // Handle alien shot explosion animation static void ShotBlowingUp() { // xref 0644 m.aShot.BlowCnt--; uint8_t blowcnt = m.aShot.BlowCnt; if (blowcnt == 3) { EraseAlienShot(); m.aShot.Desc.spr = ptr_to_word(m.AlienShotExplodingSprite); // Offset the explision sprite from the shot by (-2,-2) m.aShot.Desc.pos.x--; m.aShot.Desc.pos.x--; m.aShot.Desc.pos.y--; m.aShot.Desc.pos.y--; m.aShot.Desc.n = 6; DrawAlienShot(); return; } if (blowcnt) return; EraseAlienShot(); } // Draw the active alien shot and do collision detection static void DrawAlienShot() { // xref 066c SprDesc desc = ReadDesc(&m.aShot.Desc); DrawSprCollision(&desc); return; } // Erase the active alien shot static void EraseAlienShot() { // xref 0675 SprDesc desc = ReadDesc(&m.aShot.Desc); EraseShifted(&desc); return; } // Handles either the Squiggly shot or the Saucer, depending on the saucer timer. // See ProcessSquigglyShot for squiggly shot logic. // The bulk of this routine handles saucer movement, collision response, rendering // and scoring. static void GameObj4(uint8_t* unused) { // xref 0682 if (m.shotSync != 2) return; if (m.saucerStart == 0) { ProcessSquigglyShot(); return; } if (m.squShotData.StepCnt) { ProcessSquigglyShot(); return; } if (!m.saucerActive) { if (m.numAliens < 8) { ProcessSquigglyShot(); return; } m.saucerActive = 1; DrawSaucer(); } uint8_t carry = CompXrToBeam(&m.saucerDesc.pos.x); if (!carry) return; if (!m.saucerHit) { uint8_t x = m.saucerDesc.pos.x; uint8_t dx = m.saucerDXr; m.saucerDesc.pos.x = x + dx; DrawSaucer(); x = m.saucerDesc.pos.x; // check edges if (x < xpix(8)) { RemoveSaucer(); return; } if (x >= xpix(193)) { RemoveSaucer(); return; } return; } SoundBits3Off(0xfe); // turn off saucer sound m.saucerHitTime--; uint8_t timer = m.saucerHitTime; if (timer == 31) { // xref 074b // Turn on the sound and draw the saucer explosion uint8_t snd = m.soundPort5 | 16; m.soundPort5 = snd; SetSoundWithoutFleet(snd); m.saucerDesc.spr = ptr_to_word(m.SpriteSaucerExp); DrawSaucer(); return; } if (timer == 24) { // xref 070c m.adjustScore = 1; // Get the score for the saucer which is set based on shots fired in GameObj0 uint8_t score = *(word_to_ptr(m.sauScore)); // Find the index of the score in the table int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (m.SauScrValueTab[i] == score) break; } // Use it to find the matching LSB for the score text, and set it in saucerDesc m.saucerDesc.spr.l = m.SauScrStrTab[i]; // Multiply the score by 16 (i.e. bcd shift left one digit), to get 50,100,150,300 in BCD m.scoreDelta.u16 = score * 16; // Print the bonus score message, using pointer set in saucerDesc.spr above SprDesc desc = GetSaucerInfo(); PrintMessage(desc.sc, word_to_ptr(desc.spr), 3); return; } // xref 06e8 if (timer != 0) return; uint8_t snd = m.soundPort5 & 0xef; m.soundPort5 = snd; write_port(5, snd & 0x20); RemoveSaucer(); } // Saucer cleanup tasks static void RemoveSaucer() { // xref 06f9 SprDesc desc = ReadDesc(&m.saucerDesc); ClearSmallSprite(ConvToScr(desc.pos), desc.n, 0); RestoreFromROM(u16_to_ptr(SAUCER_ADDR), SAUCER_SIZE); SoundBits3Off(0xfe); } // Grab a copy of the saucer sprite descriptor, and set it up // for rendering before returning it. static SprDesc GetSaucerInfo() { // xref 0742 SprDesc desc = ReadDesc(&m.saucerDesc); desc.sc = ConvToScr(desc.pos); return desc; } // Draw the player sprite static void DrawPlayer() { // xref 036f SprDesc desc = ReadDesc(&m.playerDesc); desc.sc = ConvToScr(desc.pos); DrawSimpSprite(&desc); m.playerHeader.TimerExtra = 0; } // Draw the saucer sprite static void DrawSaucer() { // xref 073c // xref 0742 SprDesc desc = GetSaucerInfo(); DrawSimpSprite(&desc); } // Wait for the player to press 1P or 2P, and then start the game // with the appropriate flags. // This loop is entered after the player has inserted a coin outside of game mode, see vblank_int() static void WaitForStart() { // xref 076e { // xref 1979 // SuspendGameTasks DsableGameTasks(); DrawNumCredits(); PrintCreditLabel(); } ClearPlayField(); PrintMessage(xytosc(96, 152), m.MSG_PUSH, 4); while (TRUE) { timeslice(); if ((m.numCoins - 1) != 0) { // Enough credits for either 1P or 2P start PrintMessage(xytosc(32, 128), m.MSG_1_OR_2PLAYERS_BUTTON, 20); // Handle 1P or 2P uint8_t inp = read_port(1); if (inp & 0x2) NewGame(1, 0x98, 0); if (inp & 0x4) NewGame(0, 0x99, 0); continue; } // Only enough credits for 1P start PrintMessage(xytosc(32, 128), m.MSG_ONLY_1PLAYER__BUTTON, 20); // Break if 1P start hit. if (read_port(1) & 0x4) break; } NewGame(0, 0x99, 0); } // Starts a new game, and runs the game loop. // This routine is entered via either the WaitForStart() loop after inserting coins // outside of game mode, or is entered after the player dies via player_death() // to continue the game. // is2p - set to true if 2P was pressed // cost - credits to deduct in bcd (0x99=1, 0x98=2 credits) // skip - used to skip certain parts of initialization, used for continue static void NewGame(uint8_t is2p, uint8_t cost, int skip) { // xref 0798 // xref 079b int flags = ~skip; if (flags & INIT) { m.twoPlayers = is2p; { uint8_t unused_carry = 0; m.numCoins = bcd_add(m.numCoins, cost, &unused_carry); } DrawNumCredits(); m.P1Scor.u16 = 0; m.P2Scor.u16 = 0; PrintP1Score(); PrintP2Score(); DsableGameTasks(); m.gameMode = 1; m.playerStates.u16 = 0x0101; // Both players alive m.playerExtras.u16 = 0x0101; // Both players bonus available DrawStatus(); DrawShieldP1(); DrawShieldP2(); uint8_t ships = GetShipsPerCred(); m.p1ShipsRem = ships; m.p2ShipsRem = ships; InitAlienRacks(); m.p1RackCnt = 0; m.p2RackCnt = 0; InitAliensP1(); InitAliensP2(); m.p1RefAlienPos = xytopix(24, 120); m.p2RefAlienPos = xytopix(24, 120); CopyRAMMirror(); RemoveShip(); } if (flags & PROMPT) { PromptPlayer(); ClearPlayField(); m.isrSplashTask = 0; } // xref 0804 top of new game loop while (TRUE) { if (flags & SHIELDS) { DrawBottomLine(); if (m.playerDataMSB & 0x1) { RestoreShieldsP1(); } else { RestoreShieldsP2(); DrawBottomLine(); } // xref 0814 InitRack(); } else { flags |= SHIELDS; // don't skip next time } EnableGameTasks(); SoundBits3On(0x20); // xref 081f game loop while (TRUE) { PlrFireOrDemo(); PlyrShotAndBump(); CountAliens(); AdjustScore(); if (m.numAliens == 0) { HandleEndOfTurn(); break; } AShotReloadRate(); CheckAndHandleExtraShipAward(); SpeedShots(); ShotSound(); if (! IsPlayerAlive()) SoundBits3On(0x04); // Turn on player hit sound uint8_t w = FleetDelayExShip(); write_port(6, w); // Feed the watchdog CtrlSaucerSound(); } } } // Get reference alien velocity, position and pointer for the current player static uint8_t* GetRefAlienInfo(uint8_t *dxr, Word *pos) { // xref 0878 *dxr = m.refAlienDelta.x; *pos = m.refAlienPos; return GetAlRefPtr(); } // Get reference alien pointer for the current player static uint8_t* GetAlRefPtr() { // xref 0886 return (m.playerDataMSB & 0x1) ? &m.p1RefAlienPos.l : &m.p2RefAlienPos.l; } // Print "PLAY PLAYER<n>" and flash the score at 15 hz for 3 seconds // This is done upon starting a NewGame in 1P mode, or at the start // of every turn in 2P mode. static void PromptPlayer() { // xref 088d // "PLAY PLAYER<1>" PrintMessage(xytosc(56,136), m.MSG_PLAY_PLAYER_1_, 14); // replace <1> with <2> if ((m.playerDataMSB & 0x1) == 0) DrawChar(xytosc(152, 136), 0x1c); m.isrDelay = 176; // 3 sec delay // xref 08a9 while (TRUE) { timeslice(); uint8_t isrtick = m.isrDelay; if (isrtick == 0) return; // Flash player score every 4 isrs if (isrtick & 0x4) { // xref 08bc Word sc = (m.playerDataMSB & 0x1) ? xytosc(24,224) : xytosc(168,224); ClearSmallSprite(sc, 32, 0); continue; } DrawScore(GetScoreDescriptor()); } } // DIP5 and DIP3 control the number of extra lives the player starts with. // DIP5 and DIP3 are wired into bits 1 and 0 of port 2 respectively. // // When read together as a two digit binary number, this is meant to be // interpreted as the number of extra lives above the default of 3 that // the player gets. // // 0 0 - 3 lives // 0 1 - 4 lives // 1 0 - 5 lives // 1 1 - 6 lives static uint8_t GetShipsPerCred() { // xref 08d1 return (read_port(2) & (DIP5_SHIPS2 | DIP3_SHIPS1)) + 3; } // Increase alien shot speed when there are less than nine aliens on screen static void SpeedShots() { // xref 08d8 if (m.numAliens >= 9) return; m.alienShotDelta = -5; // from -4 to -5 } // Prints a text message (msg, n) on the screen at pos // Used to print all the splash screen text, and other game messages static void PrintMessage(Word sc, uint8_t* msg, size_t n) { // xref 08f3 // DebugMessage(sc, msg, n); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { uint8_t c = msg[i]; sc = DrawChar(sc, c); } } // Draw a text character c on the screen at pos // Used by PrintMessage() static Word DrawChar(Word sc, uint8_t c) { // xref 08ff SprDesc desc; desc.sc = sc; desc.spr = u16_to_word(0x1e00 + c*8); desc.n = 8; return DrawSimpSprite(&desc); } // Timing logic that controls when the saucer appears (Every 25.6 secs) // Called via vblank_int() static void TimeToSaucer() { // xref 0913 // No ticking until alien rack has dropped down a bit if (m.refAlienPos.y >= 120) return; uint16_t timer = m.saucerTimer.u16; if (timer == 0) { timer = 0x600; // reset timer to 1536 game loops (25.6s) m.saucerStart = 1; } m.saucerTimer.u16 = timer - 1; } // Get number of lives for the current player static uint8_t GetNumberOfShips(uint8_t* *ptr) { // xref 092e *ptr = (GetPlayerDataPtr() + 0xff); return *(*ptr); } // Award the one and only bonus life if the player's score is high enough, // and fix up the lives indicators to reflect that. static void CheckAndHandleExtraShipAward() { // xref 0935 if (*(CurPlyAlive() - 2) == 0) return; // Bonus dip bit - award at 1000 or 1500 uint8_t b = (read_port(2) & DIP6_BONUS) ? 0x10 : 0x15; uint8_t score_msb = *(GetScoreDescriptor() + 1); // score not high enough for bonus yet if (score_msb < b) return; uint8_t* nships_ptr; GetNumberOfShips(&nships_ptr); // Award the bonus life (*nships_ptr)++; int nships = *nships_ptr; SprDesc desc; desc.sc = xytosc(8 + 16 * nships, 8); desc.spr = ptr_to_word(m.PLAYER_SPRITES); desc.n = 16; DrawSimpSprite(&desc); PrintNumShips(nships+1); *(CurPlyAlive() - 2) = 0; // Flag extra ship has been awarded m.extraHold = 0xff; // Handle Extra-ship sound SoundBits3On(0x10); } // Lookup score for alien based on the given row static uint8_t* AlienScoreValue(uint8_t row) { // xref 097c uint8_t si = 0; if (row < 2) si = 0; else if (row < 4) si = 1; else si = 2; return (m.AlienScores + si); } // Add the score delta to the current player's score, and draw it. // Called as part of the game loop. // // scoreDelta is modified in two places: // PlayerShotHit() upon killing an alien (main thread) // GameObj4() upon hitting the saucer (either vblank or mid depending on saucer x pos) static void AdjustScore() { // xref 0988 uint8_t* sptr = GetScoreDescriptor(); if (m.adjustScore == 0) return; m.adjustScore = 0; Word adj = m.scoreDelta; uint8_t carry = 0; Word score; score.l = *(sptr); score.l = bcd_add(score.l, adj.l, &carry); *sptr = score.l; score.h = *(sptr+1); score.h = bcd_add(score.h, adj.h, &carry); *(sptr+1) = score.h; Word sc; sc.l = *(sptr+2); sc.h = *(sptr+3); Print4Digits(sc, score); } // Print 4 digits using the bcd values in val.h and val.l // Called via DrawScore and AdjustScore static void Print4Digits(Word sc, Word val) { // xref 09ad sc = DrawHexByte(sc, val.h); sc = DrawHexByte(sc, val.l); } // Draw the the hi and lo nibble of the bcd value in c at sc static Word DrawHexByte(Word sc, uint8_t c) { // xref 09b2 sc = DrawHexByteSub(sc, c >> 4); sc = DrawHexByteSub(sc, c & 0xf); return sc; } // Draw the digit in c at sc static Word DrawHexByteSub(Word sc, uint8_t c) { // xref 09c5 return DrawChar(sc, c + 0x1a); } // Return a pointer to the score info for the current player static uint8_t* GetScoreDescriptor() { // xref 09ca return (m.playerDataMSB & 0x1) ? &m.P1Scor.l : &m.P2Scor.l; } // Clear the play field in the center of the screen. // Horizontally, the play field is the full width of the screen. // Vertically, the play field is the area above the lives and credits (16 pixels) // and below the scores (32 pixels). static void ClearPlayField() { // xref 09d6 uint8_t* screen = m.vram; for (int x = 0; x < 224; ++x) { screen += 2; for (int b = 0; b < 26; ++b) *screen++ = 0; screen += 4; } } // Called from the game loop when the player has killed all aliens in the rack. static void HandleEndOfTurn() { // xref 09ef HandleEndOfTurnSub(); // wait for player to finish dying if necessary m.gameTasksRunning = 0; ClearPlayField(); uint8_t pnum = m.playerDataMSB; CopyRAMMirror(); m.playerDataMSB = pnum; pnum = m.playerDataMSB; // redundant load uint8_t rack_cnt = 0; uint8_t* rcptr = u16_to_ptr(pnum << 8 | 0xfe); rack_cnt = (*rcptr % 8) + 1; *rcptr = rack_cnt; // Starting Y coord for rack for new level uint8_t y = m.AlienStartTable[rack_cnt-1]; uint8_t* refy = u16_to_ptr(pnum << 8 | 0xfc); uint8_t* refx = refy + 1; *refy = y; *refx = 56; if (!(pnum & 0x1)) { m.soundPort5 = 0x21; // start fleet with first sound DrawShieldP2(); InitAliensP2(); } else { DrawShieldP1(); InitAliensP1(); } } // Called at start of HandleEndOfTurnSub() to handle the // case of the player dying at the end of turn. // (i.e. last alien and player both kill each other) static void HandleEndOfTurnSub() { // xref 0a3c if (IsPlayerAlive()) { m.isrDelay = 48; // wait up to 3/4 of a sec do { // xref 0a47 timeslice(); // spin if (m.isrDelay == 0) return; } while (IsPlayerAlive()); } // If player is not alive, wait for resurrection while (!IsPlayerAlive()) { // xref 0a52 timeslice(); // spin } } // Returns 1 if player is alive, 0 otherwise static uint8_t IsPlayerAlive() { // xref 0a59 return m.playerAlive == 0xff; } // Called as part of the player bullet collision response in PlayerShotHit() // when the player bullet kills an alien. static void ScoreForAlien(uint8_t row) { // xref 0a5f if (!m.gameMode) return; SoundBits3On(0x08); uint8_t score = *(AlienScoreValue(row)); m.scoreDelta.h = 0; m.scoreDelta.l = score; m.adjustScore = 1; } // Companion routine to SplashSprite // Called from the main thread to initiate and wait for splash animations (CCOIN / PLAy). static void Animate() { // xref 0a80 // Directs ISRSplTasks() (in vblank_int()) to call SplashSprite() m.isrSplashTask = 2; // Spin until sprite in animation reaches its target position do { // xref 0a85 write_port(6, 2); // feed watchdog and spin } while (!m.splashReached); // Directs ISRSplTasks() to do nothing m.isrSplashTask = 0; } // Prints the animated text messages (such as "PLAY" "SPACE INVADERS"), // by drawing the characters that make up the message with a short // delay between them. (7 frames per character) static Word PrintMessageDel(Word sc, uint8_t* str, uint8_t n) { // xref 0a93 // DebugMessage(sc, str, n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { sc = DrawChar(sc, str[i]); m.isrDelay = 7; while (m.isrDelay != 1) { timeslice(); } // spin } return sc; } // Need for the shooting C in CCOIN animation. // Initiated in AnimateShootingSplashAlien(), and called // via ISRSplTasks() during vblank_int() static void SplashSquiggly() { // xref 0aab // this works because this is the last game object. RunGameObjs(u16_to_ptr(SQUIGGLY_SHOT_ADDR)); } // Wait for approximately one second. (64 vblanks). static void OneSecDelay() { // xref 0ab1 WaitOnDelay(64); } // Wait for approximately two seconds. (128 vblanks). static void TwoSecDelay() { // xref 0ab6 WaitOnDelay(128); } // Runs the game objects in demo mode to attract players. // Initiated from the main thread and called // via ISRSplTasks() during vblank_int() static void SplashDemo() { // xref 0abb // xref 0072 m.shotSync = m.rolShotHeader.TimerExtra; DrawAlien(); RunGameObjs(u16_to_ptr(PLAYER_ADDR)); // incl player TimeToSaucer(); } // Runs the appropriate splash screen task (from vblank_int()) static void ISRSplTasks() { // xref 0abf switch (m.isrSplashTask) { case 1: SplashDemo(); break; // Attract players with game demo case 2: SplashSprite(); break; // Moves a sprite to a target location for an animation case 4: SplashSquiggly(); break; // Run an alien shot for an animation ( CCOIN ) } } // Print an animated message in the center of the screen. static void MessageToCenterOfScreen(uint8_t* str) { // xref 0acf PrintMessageDel(xytosc(56,160), str, 0x0f); } // Wait for n vblank interrupts to occur, using m.isrDelay static void WaitOnDelay(uint8_t n) { // xref 0ad7 // Wait on ISR counter to reach 0 m.isrDelay = n; while (m.isrDelay != 0) { timeslice(); } // spin } // Copy src into the splash animation structure. // The four animations copied this way are // // (for PLAy animation) // // 0x1a95 - Move alien left to grab y // 0x1bb0 - Move alien (with y) to right edge // 0x1fc9 - Bring alien back (with Y) to message // // (for CCOIN animation) // // 0x1fd5 - Move alien to point above extra 'C' static void IniSplashAni(uint8_t* src) { // xref 0ae2 BlockCopy(&m.splashAnForm, src, 12); } // Called during (splash screens) to do some miscellaneous tasks // a) Player shot collision response // b) Detecting and handling the alien rack bumping the screen edges // c) Checking for TAITO COP input sequence static uint8_t CheckPlyrShotAndBump() { // xref 0bf1 PlyrShotAndBump(); CheckHiddenMes(); return 0xff; } // Erases a sprite by clearing the four bytes it // could possibly be in. static void EraseSimpleSprite(Word pos, uint8_t n) { // xref 1424 Word sc = CnvtPixNumber(pos); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i, sc.u16 += xysc(1, 0)) { uint8_t* screen = word_to_ptr(sc); *screen++ = 0; *screen++ = 0; } } // Draws a non shifted sprite from desc->spr horizontally // across the screen at desc->pos for desc->n bytes. // Each byte of the sprite is a vertical 8 pixel strip static Word DrawSimpSprite(SprDesc *desc) { // xref 1439 uint8_t* screen = word_to_ptr(desc->sc); uint8_t* sprite = word_to_ptr(desc->spr); for (size_t i = 0; i < desc->n; ++i, screen += xysc(1, 0)) *screen = sprite[i]; return ptr_to_word(screen); } // Using pixnum, set the shift count on the hardware shifter // and return the screen coordinates for rendering static Word CnvtPixNumber(Word pos) { // xref 1474 write_port(2, (pos.u16 & 0xff) & 0x07); return ConvToScr(pos); } // Draw a shifted sprite to the screen, blending with screen contents static void DrawShiftedSprite(struct SprDesc *desc) { // xref 1400 DrawSpriteGeneric(desc, OP_BLEND); } // Erase a shifted sprite from the screen, zeroing screen contents static void EraseShifted(struct SprDesc *desc) { // xref 1452 DrawSpriteGeneric(desc, OP_ERASE); } // Draw a shifted sprite to the screen, blending with screen contents, // and detect if drawn sprite collided with existing pixels static void DrawSprCollision(struct SprDesc *desc) { // xref 1491 DrawSpriteGeneric(desc, OP_COLLIDE); } // Draw a shifted sprite to the screen, overwriting screen contents. static void DrawSprite(struct SprDesc *desc) { // xref 15d3 DrawSpriteGeneric(desc, OP_BLIT); } // Generic sprite drawing routine for shifted spries // desc->spr - source pointer // desc->pixnum - pixel position to draw at // desc->n - width // op - erase | blit | blend | collide static void DrawSpriteGeneric(struct SprDesc *desc, int op) { Word sc = CnvtPixNumber(desc->pos); uint8_t* sprite = word_to_ptr(desc->spr); if (op == OP_COLLIDE) m.collision = 0; for (int i = 0; i < desc->n; ++i, sc.u16 += xysc(1,0)) { uint8_t* screen = word_to_ptr(sc); uint8_t shift_in[2]; shift_in[0] = sprite[i]; shift_in[1] = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { write_port(4, shift_in[j]); // write into shift reg uint8_t shifted = read_port(3); // get the shifted pixels (shift based on pix num) if (op == OP_COLLIDE && (shifted & *screen)) m.collision = 1; if (op == OP_COLLIDE || op == OP_BLEND) *screen = shifted | *screen; else if (op == OP_BLIT) *screen = shifted; else if (op == OP_ERASE) *screen = (shifted ^ 0xff) & *screen; screen++; } } } // Repeat (width n) the pixel strip in byte v horizontally across the screen static Word ClearSmallSprite(Word sc, uint8_t n, uint8_t v) { // xref 14cb for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i, sc.u16 += xysc(1,0)) *(word_to_ptr(sc)) = v; return sc; } // Player bullet collision response static void PlayerShotHit() { // xref 14d8 uint8_t status = m.plyrShotStatus; // if alien explosion state, bail if (status == 5) return; // if not normal movement, bail if (status != 2) return; // Get the Y coord uint8_t shoty = m.playerShotDesc.pos.y; if (shoty >= 216) { // missed and hit top of screen m.plyrShotStatus = 3; m.alienIsExploding = 0; SoundBits3Off(0xf7); return; } // xref 14ea if (!m.alienIsExploding) return; if (shoty >= 206) { // hit the saucer // xref 1579 m.saucerHit = 1; m.plyrShotStatus = 4; // xref 154a m.alienIsExploding = 0; SoundBits3Off(0xf7); return; } shoty += 6; { uint8_t refy = m.refAlienPos.y; // refy can wrap around, if the topmost alien row gets near the bottom of the screen // in usual play, refy will be < 144. if ((refy < 144) && (refy >= shoty)) { // hit the shields m.plyrShotStatus = 3; m.alienIsExploding = 0; SoundBits3Off(0xf7); return; } } // xref 1504 // Get here if player shot hits an alien or an alien shot. // There is a subtle bug here, see CodeBug1 in CA Word res = FindRow(shoty); uint8_t row = res.h; uint8_t ay = res.l; res = FindColumn(m.playerShotDesc.pos.x); uint8_t col = res.h; uint8_t ax = res.l; m.expAlien.pos = u8_u8_to_word(ax, ay); m.plyrShotStatus = 5; uint8_t* alienptr = GetAlienStatPtr(row, col); if (*alienptr == 0) { // If alien is dead, then the player shot must have hit an alien shot m.plyrShotStatus = 3; m.alienIsExploding = 0; SoundBits3Off(0xf7); return; } // Kill the alien *alienptr = 0; ScoreForAlien(row); SprDesc desc = ReadDesc(&m.expAlien); DrawSprite(&desc); m.expAlienTimer = 16; } // Counts the number of 16s between *v and target. // This is roughly (tgt - *v) / 16. static uint8_t Cnt16s(uint8_t *v, uint8_t tgt) { // xref 1554 uint8_t n = 0; if ((*v) >= tgt) { do { // wrap ref n++; (*v) += 16; } while ((*v) & 0x80); } while ((*v) < tgt) { (*v) += 16; n++; } return n; } // Find alien row given y pos static Word FindRow(uint8_t y) { // xref 1562 uint8_t ry = m.refAlienPos.y; uint8_t rnum = Cnt16s(&ry, y) - 1; uint8_t coord = (ry - 16); return u8_u8_to_word(rnum, coord); } // Find alien column given x pos static Word FindColumn(uint8_t x) { // xref 156f uint8_t rx = m.refAlienPos.x; uint8_t cnum = Cnt16s(&rx, x); uint8_t coord = (rx - 16); return u8_u8_to_word(cnum, coord); } // Return a pointer to the alien status for the current player // given the row and column of the alien static uint8_t* GetAlienStatPtr(uint8_t row, uint8_t col) { // xref 1581 // row is 0 based // col is 1 based uint8_t idx = row * 11 + (col - 1); return u16_to_ptr(m.playerDataMSB << 8 | idx); } // Change alien deltaX and deltaY when alien rack bumps edges static void RackBump() { // xref 1597 // Change alien deltaX and deltaY when rack bumps edges uint8_t dx = 0; uint8_t dir = 0; if (m.rackDirection == 0) { // xref 159e check right edge if (!RackBumpEdge(xytosc(213,32))) return; dx = -2; dir = 1; // rack now moving left } else { // check left edge if (!RackBumpEdge(xytosc(9,32))) return; // rack now moving right // inline 18f1 dx = m.numAliens == 1 ? 3 : 2; // go faster if only one alien remaining dir = 0; // rack now moving right } m.rackDirection = dir; m.refAlienDelta.x = dx; m.refAlienDelta.y = m.rackDownDelta; } // Check 23 bytes vertically up from sc for pixels. // Used by RackBump to detect whether alien rack is hitting the edges of the play area. static uint8_t RackBumpEdge(Word sc) { // xref 15c5 uint8_t* screen = word_to_ptr(sc); for (int i = 0; i < 23; ++i) { timeslice(); // found some pixels if (*screen++) return 1; } return 0; } // Count the number of live aliens for the current player static void CountAliens() { // xref 15f3 uint8_t* iter = GetPlayerDataPtr(); // Get active player descriptor uint8_t n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 55; ++i) { timeslice(); if (*iter++ != 0) ++n; } m.numAliens = n; if (n != 1) return; // Apparently unused *(u16_to_ptr(0x206b)) = 1; } // Return a pointer the the current player's RAM area static uint8_t* GetPlayerDataPtr() { // xref 1611 return u16_to_ptr(m.playerDataMSB << 8); } // Handles player firing in game and demo mode. // In both cases, nothing happens if there is a shot on the screen. // In game mode, reads the fire button and debounces to detect press. // In demo mode, initiates a shot always, and consumes the next movement command from the buffer. static void PlrFireOrDemo() { // xref 1618 if (m.playerAlive != 0xff) return; uint8_t timer_hi = m.playerHeader.TimerMSB; uint8_t timer_lo = m.playerHeader.TimerLSB; // Return if not ready yet. if (timer_lo | timer_hi) return; // Return if player has a shot still on screen if (m.plyrShotStatus) return; // xref 162b if (m.gameMode) { // Handle fire button reading and debouncing uint8_t prev = m.fireBounce; uint8_t cur = (ReadInputs() & 0x10) != 0; if (prev == cur) return; if (cur) m.plyrShotStatus = 1; // Flag shot active m.fireBounce = cur; return; } else { // Demo player constantly fires m.plyrShotStatus = 1; // Consume demo command from circular buffer 0x1f74 <-> 0x1f7e // // DemoCommands: //; (1=Right, 2=Left) // 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E //1F74: 01 01 00 00 01 00 02 01 00 02 01 Word iter = u16_to_word(m.demoCmdPtr.u16 + 1); if (iter.l >= 0x7e) iter.l = 0x74; // wrap m.demoCmdPtr = iter; m.nextDemoCmd = *(word_to_ptr(iter)); } } // Called when all players are dead in game mode // Prints "GAME OVER" and sets things up to reenter splash screens. static void GameOver() { // xref 16c9 PrintMessageDel(xytosc(72,192), m.MSG_GAME_OVER__PLAYER___, 10); TwoSecDelay(); ClearPlayField(); m.gameMode = 0; write_port(5, 0); // all sound off EnableGameTasks(); main_init(1); assert(FALSE); // won't return } // Called when the player loses the game upon an alien reaching the bottom static void on_invaded() { // xref 16ea m.playerAlive = 0; do { PlayerShotHit(); SoundBits3On(4); } while (!IsPlayerAlive()); DsableGameTasks(); DrawNumShipsSub(xytosc(24, 8)); // 19fa PrintNumShips(0); // xref 196b SoundBits3Off(0xfb); player_death(1); // won't return assert(FALSE); } // Increases the difficulty of the game as the player's score gets higher by // decreasing time between alien shots. static void AShotReloadRate() { // xref 170e uint8_t score_hi = *(GetScoreDescriptor() + 1); // Uses these tables, in decimal // 02 16 32 48 (AReloadScoreTab) // 48 16 11 08 07 (ShotReloadRate) int i = 0; // xref 171c for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (m.AReloadScoreTab[i] >= score_hi) break; } // xref 1727 m.aShotReloadRate = m.ShotReloadRate[i]; } // Turn player shot sound on/off depending on m.plyrShotStatus static void ShotSound() { // xref 172c if (m.plyrShotStatus == 0) { SoundBits3Off(0xfd); return; } SoundBits3On(0x02); } // Ticks down and reset the timers that determines when the alien sound is changed. // The sound is actually changed in FleetDelayExShip() static void TimeFleetSound() { // xref 1740 if (--m.fleetSndHold == 0) DisableFleetSound(); if (m.playerOK == 0) { DisableFleetSound(); return; } if (--m.fleetSndCnt != 0) return; write_port(5, m.soundPort5); if (m.numAliens == 0) { DisableFleetSound(); return; } m.fleetSndCnt = m.fleetSndReload; m.changeFleetSnd = 0x01; m.fleetSndHold = 0x04; } // Turn off the fleet movement sounds static void DisableFleetSound() { // xref 176d SetSoundWithoutFleet(m.soundPort5); } // Mask fleet movement sound off from given byte, and use it to set sound static void SetSoundWithoutFleet(uint8_t v) { // xref 1770 write_port(5, v & 0x30); } // Handles rotating the fleet sounds if it is time to do so, and determines the // delay between them using a table keyed by the number of live aliens. // The bonus ship sound is also handled here. static uint8_t FleetDelayExShip() { // xref 1775 // The two sound tables (in decimal): // [ 50 43 36 28 22 17 13 10 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 ] (soundDelayKey) // [ 52 46 39 34 28 24 21 19 16 14 13 12 11 09 07 05 ] (soundDelayValue) uint8_t snd_b = 0; uint8_t snd_a = 0; if (m.changeFleetSnd) { uint8_t n = m.numAliens; // xref 1785 int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { if (n >= m.soundDelayKey[i]) break; } m.fleetSndReload = m.soundDelayValue[i]; snd_b = m.soundPort5 & 0x30; // Mask off all fleet movement sounds snd_a = m.soundPort5 & 0x0f; // Mask off all except fleet sounds // Rotate to next sound and wrap if neccessary snd_a = (snd_a << 1) | (snd_a >> 7); if (snd_a == 0x10) snd_a = 0x01; m.soundPort5 = snd_a | snd_b; m.changeFleetSnd = 0; } // xref 17aa if (--m.extraHold == 0) SoundBits3Off(0xef); return snd_a; } // Read the input port corresponding to the current player. static uint8_t ReadInputs() { // xref 17c0 uint8_t port = m.playerDataMSB & 0x1 ? 1 : 2; return read_port(port); } // End the game if tilt switch is activated. static void CheckHandleTilt() { // xref 17cd if (!(read_port(2) & TILT_BIT)) return; if (m.tilt) return; yield(YIELD_TILT); assert(FALSE); } // This routine is entered after the stack reset in CheckHandleTilt // It prints the tilt message and ends the game, cycling back to the splash screen. static void on_tilt() { // xref 17dc for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) ClearPlayField(); m.tilt = 1; DsableGameTasks(); enable_interrupts(); PrintMessageDel(xytosc(96,176), m.MSG_TILT, 4); OneSecDelay(); m.tilt = 0; m.waitStartLoop = 0; GameOver(); // does not return. assert(FALSE); } // Play appropriate sounds based on saucer state. static void CtrlSaucerSound() { // xref 1804 if (m.saucerActive == 0) { SoundBits3Off(0xfe); return; } if (m.saucerHit) return; SoundBits3On(0x01); } // Draws the text and sprites for the "SCORE ADVANCE TABLE" in the splash screens. static void DrawAdvTable() { // xref 1815 PrintMessage(xytosc(32,128), m.MSG__SCORE_ADVANCE_TABLE_, 0x15); // PrintMessageAdv uses this m.temp206C = 10; PriCursor cursor; // Sprite display list for score advance table cursor.src = m.SCORE_ADV_SPRITE_LIST; while (!ReadPriStruct(&cursor)) Draw16ByteSprite(cursor.sc, cursor.obj); // Message display list for score advance table cursor.src = m.SCORE_ADV_MSG_LIST; while (!ReadPriStruct(&cursor)) PrintMessageAdv(cursor.sc, cursor.obj); } // Used when drawing the Score Advance Table to draw the alien and saucer sprites static void Draw16ByteSprite(Word sc, uint8_t* sprite) { // xref 1844 SprDesc desc; desc.sc = sc; desc.spr = ptr_to_word(sprite); desc.n = 16; DrawSimpSprite(&desc); } // Used when drawing the Score Advance Table to draw the text static void PrintMessageAdv(Word sc, uint8_t* msg) { // xref 184c size_t n = m.temp206C; PrintMessageDel(sc, msg, n); } // A PriStruct is a display list, containing a list of // objects to display (either sprites or text), and their position. // This routine is used to iterate through the list and read each member. static int ReadPriStruct(PriCursor *pri) { // xref 1856 pri->sc.l = *pri->src++; if (pri->sc.l == 0xff) return TRUE; // hit end pri->sc.h = *pri->src++; Word obj; obj.l = *pri->src++; obj.h = *pri->src++; pri->obj = word_to_ptr(obj); return FALSE; // keep going } // Required for CCOIN and PLAy splash animations // The animation structure used here is set up by IniSplashAni() // Moves and animates a sprite until it reaches a target position static void SplashSprite() { // xref 1868 ++m.splashAnForm; uint8_t* vptr = &m.splashDelta.y; uint8_t dy = *vptr; uint8_t x = AddDelta(vptr, dy); if (m.splashTargetX != x) { uint8_t flip = m.splashAnForm & 0x04; Word spr = m.splashImRest; if (flip == 0) { spr.u16 += 48; } m.splashPic = spr; SprDesc desc = ReadDesc((SprDesc*) u16_to_ptr(SPLASH_DESC_ADDR)); // splash desc is out of order, needs swapping. Word tmp = desc.pos; desc.pos = desc.spr; desc.spr = tmp; DrawSprite(&desc); return; } // xref 1898 m.splashReached = 1; } // Handles the shooting part of the CCOIN splash animation // Companion routine is SplashSquiggly() static void AnimateShootingSplashAlien() { // xref 189e BlockCopy(u16_to_ptr(SQUIGGLY_SHOT_ADDR), m.SPLASH_SHOT_OBJDATA, 16); m.shotSync = 2; m.alienShotDelta = 0xff; m.isrSplashTask = 4; // spin until shot collides while ((m.squShotData.Status & SHOT_BLOWUP) == 0) { // xref 18b8 timeslice(); // spin } // spin until shot explosion finishes while ((m.squShotData.Status & SHOT_BLOWUP) != 0) { // xref 18c0 timeslice(); // spin } // replace extra 'C' with blank space DrawChar(xytosc(120,136), 0x26); TwoSecDelay(); } // Handle initialization and splash screens. // Initially entered upon startup via reset(), with skip=0 // Is is terminated when the stack is reset upon the insertion of credits, and is // replaced by WaitForStart() // The routine is eventually re-entered with skip=0 via GameOver() static void main_init(int skip) { // xref 18d4 int init = !skip; if (init) { CopyRomtoRam(); DrawStatus(); } // 18df while (TRUE) { if (init) { m.aShotReloadRate = 8; write_port(3, 0); // turn off sound 1 write_port(5, 0); // turn off sound 2 // SetISRSplashTask m.isrSplashTask = 0; // xref 0af2 enable_interrupts(); OneSecDelay(); // xref 0af6 PrintMessageDel(xytosc(96, 184), m.splashAnimate ? m.MSG_PLAY : m.MSG_PLAY2, 4); // xref 0b08 MessageToCenterOfScreen(m.MSG_SPACE__INVADERS); // xref 0b0e OneSecDelay(); DrawAdvTable(); TwoSecDelay(); // xref 0b17 if (m.splashAnimate == 0) { // run script for alien twiddling with upside down 'Y' IniSplashAni(u16_to_ptr(0x1a95)); Animate(); IniSplashAni(u16_to_ptr(0x1bb0)); Animate(); OneSecDelay(); IniSplashAni(u16_to_ptr(0x1fc9)); Animate(); OneSecDelay(); ClearSmallSprite(xytosc(125, 184), 10, 0); TwoSecDelay(); } // xref 0b4a ClearPlayField(); if (m.p1ShipsRem == 0) { // xref 0b54 m.p1ShipsRem = GetShipsPerCred(); RemoveShip(); } // xref 0b5d CopyRAMMirror(); InitAliensP1(); DrawShieldP1(); RestoreShieldsP1(); m.isrSplashTask = 1; DrawBottomLine(); // xref 0b71 do { PlrFireOrDemo(); // xref 0b74 // check player shot, and aliens bumping screen, also handle hidden message uint8_t a2 = CheckPlyrShotAndBump(); // feed the watchdog write_port(6, a2); } while (IsPlayerAlive()); // xref 0b7f m.plyrShotStatus = 0; // wait for demo player to finish exploding. while (! IsPlayerAlive() ) { // xref 0b83 timeslice(); // spin } } // xref 0b89 m.isrSplashTask = 0; OneSecDelay(); ClearPlayField(); PrintMessage(xytosc(64,136), m.MSG_INSERT__COIN, 12); // draw extra 'C' for CCOIN if (m.splashAnimate == 0) DrawChar(xytosc(120,136), 2); PriCursor cursor; cursor.src = m.CREDIT_TABLE; ReadPriStruct(&cursor); PrintMessageAdv(cursor.sc, cursor.obj); // Only print coin info if DIP7 is set if ((read_port(2) & DIP7_COININFO) == 0) { cursor.src = m.CREDIT_TABLE_COINS; // xref 183a while (!ReadPriStruct(&cursor)) PrintMessageAdv(cursor.sc, cursor.obj); } TwoSecDelay(); // xref 0bc6 if (m.splashAnimate == 0) { // xref 0bce // shoot C animation IniSplashAni(u16_to_ptr(0x1fd5)); Animate(); AnimateShootingSplashAlien(); } // xref 0bda m.splashAnimate = !m.splashAnimate; ClearPlayField(); } } // Return pointer to non current player's alive status static uint8_t* GetOtherPlayerAliveFlag() { // xref 18e7 return (m.playerDataMSB & 0x1 ? &m.playerStates.h : &m.playerStates.l); } // Use a mask to enable sounds on port 3 static void SoundBits3On(uint8_t mask) { // xref 18fa uint8_t snd = m.soundPort3; snd |= mask; m.soundPort3 = snd; write_port(3, snd); } // Init all the aliens for P2 static void InitAliensP2() { // xref 1904 InitAliensSub(u16_to_ptr(P2_ADDR)); } // Called from the main thread to do some miscellaneous tasks // a) Player shot collision response // b) Detecting and handling the alien rack bumping the screen edges static void PlyrShotAndBump() { // xref 190a PlayerShotHit(); RackBump(); } // Return pointer to current player's alive status static uint8_t* CurPlyAlive() { // xref 1910 return (m.playerDataMSB & 0x1 ? &m.playerStates.l : &m.playerStates.h); } // Draw the score text labels at the top of the screen static void DrawScoreHead() { // xref 191a PrintMessage(xytosc(0,240), m.MSG__SCORE_1__HI_SCORE_SCORE_2__, 28); } // Draw the score for P1 static void PrintP1Score() { // xref 1925 DrawScore(&m.P1Scor.l); } // Draw the score for P2 static void PrintP2Score() { // xref 192b DrawScore(&m.P2Scor.l); } // Draw the score using the given descriptor in iter static void DrawScore(uint8_t* iter) { // xref 1931 Word pos; Word val; val.l = *iter++; val.h = *iter++; pos.l = *iter++; pos.h = *iter++; Print4Digits(pos, val); } // Draw the credit text label at the bottom right static void PrintCreditLabel() { // xref 193c PrintMessage(xytosc(136,8), m.MSG_CREDIT_, 7); } // Draw the number of credits at the bottom right static void DrawNumCredits() { // xref 1947 DrawHexByte(xytosc(192,8), m.numCoins); } // Draw the high score static void PrintHiScore() { // xref 1950 DrawScore(&m.HiScor.l); } // Clear the screen and draw all the text surrounding the playfield static void DrawStatus() { // xref 1956 ClearScreen(); DrawScoreHead(); PrintP1Score(); PrintP2Score(); PrintHiScore(); PrintCreditLabel(); DrawNumCredits(); // Midway patched this out // PrintTaitoCorporation(); } // Prints "* TAITO CORPORATION *" at the bottom of the screen // This is a bit of dead code due to the patching out in DrawStatus() static void PrintTaitoCorporation() { // xref 198b PrintMessage(xytosc(32, 24), u16_to_ptr(0x19be), 0x13); } // Called during the game demo to check if player has entered the correct // button combos to display the easter egg, "TAITO COP" static void CheckHiddenMes() { // xref 199a uint8_t a = 0; if (m.hidMessSeq == 0) { a = read_port(1); a &= 0x76; a -= 0x72; if (a) return; m.hidMessSeq = 1; } a = read_port(1); a &= 0x76; a -= 0x34; if (a) return; PrintMessage(xytosc(80,216), m.MSG_TAITO_COP, 9); } // Allow game related tasks in interrupt routines static void EnableGameTasks() { // xref 19d1 m.gameTasksRunning = 1; } // Disallow game related tasks in interrupt routines static void DsableGameTasks() { // xref 19d7 m.gameTasksRunning = 0; } // Use a mask to turn off sounds in port 3 static void SoundBits3Off(uint8_t mask) { // xref 19dc uint8_t snd = m.soundPort3; snd &= mask; m.soundPort3 = snd; write_port(3, snd); } // Draw the sprites representing the number of lives (0 based) remaining at the bottom left static void DrawNumShips(uint8_t n) { // xref 19e6 SprDesc desc; desc.sc = xytosc(24,8); desc.spr = ptr_to_word(m.PLAYER_SPRITES); desc.n = 16; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) desc.sc = DrawSimpSprite(&desc); DrawNumShipsSub(desc.sc); } // Clears the space to the right of the ship sprites (used to remove lives) static void DrawNumShipsSub(Word pos) { // xref 19fa // Clear up to x = 136 (start of credit label) do { pos = ClearSmallSprite(pos, 16, 0); } while ((pos.x != 0x35)); } // Returns true if given obj is positioned on the half of screen that is not currently being drawn. // Used to control which interrupt draws a particular game object. // This prevents flicker. static uint8_t CompXrToBeam(uint8_t* posaddr) { // xref 1a06 uint8_t b = m.vblankStatus; uint8_t a = *posaddr & XR_MID; return a == b; } // memcpy static void BlockCopy(void *_dest, void *_src, size_t n) { // xref 1a32 uint8_t* dest = (uint8_t*) (_dest); uint8_t* src = (uint8_t*) (_src); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) *dest++ = *src++; } // Return a copy of a Sprite Descriptor from src static SprDesc ReadDesc(SprDesc* src) { // xref 1a3b SprDesc desc; desc.spr.l = src->spr.l; desc.spr.h = src->spr.h; desc.pos.l = src->pos.l; desc.pos.h = src->pos.h; desc.n = src->n; return desc; } // Convert a pixel pos to a screen address // Pixel positions in memory are pre-offset by +32 pixels, meaning that when // they are converted to a screen coordinate, 0x400 has already been added. // Hence the or with 0x2000 below, instead of +0x2400 // See xpix() static Word ConvToScr(Word pos) { // xref 1a47 return u16_to_word((pos.u16 >> 3) | 0x2000); } // bzero the 7168 bytes of vram static void ClearScreen() { // xref 1a5c uint8_t* screen = m.vram; size_t n = 7168; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) screen[i] = 0; } // CopyShields() subroutine. // cursor - used to iterate through the screen and the player buffer // spr_size - contains the number of rows and bytes per row of the sprite // dir=0 - Copy a shield from the buffer to the screen // dir=1 - Copy a shield from the screen to the buffer static void CopyShieldBuffer(ShieldBufferCursor *cursor, Word spr_size, uint8_t dir) { // xref 1a69 uint8_t nr = spr_size.h; uint8_t nb = spr_size.l; for (int i = 0; i < nr; ++i, cursor->sc.u16 += xysc(1,0)) { uint8_t* screen = word_to_ptr(cursor->sc); for (int j = 0; j < nb; ++j) { if (dir == 0) *screen = *cursor->iter | *screen; else *cursor->iter = *screen; cursor->iter++; screen++; } } } // Take a life away from the player, and update the indicators static void RemoveShip() { // xref 1a7f uint8_t* nships_ptr; uint8_t num = GetNumberOfShips(&nships_ptr); if (num == 0) return; *nships_ptr = num-1; // The sprite indicator is 0 based. DrawNumShips(num-1); // The text indicator is 1 based. DrawHexByteSub(xytosc(8,8), num & 0xf); } // Print the numeric lives indicator at the bottom left static void PrintNumShips(uint8_t num) { // xref 1a8b DrawChar(xytosc(8,8), (num & 0x0f) + 0x1a); } // GAMECODE FINISH