vcluster—Lightweight Virtual K8s Cluster SolutionThis is a tool for creating virtual clusters within a Kubernetes cluster. Compared to the tens of miloft-sh·Go·22 days ago414
k8sgpt—Kubernetes Troubleshooting AI AssistantThis project utilizes Large Language Models (LLM) to automatically analyze issues in Kubernetes clusk8sgpt-ai·Go·6 months ago1.1k
kubernetes-goat—Kubernetes Security Attack and Defense Drill PlatformThis project is for constructing a vulnerable and easily attackable cluster environment, allowing demadhuakula·HTML·4 months ago489
glasskube—Easier Kubernetes Package ManagerThis is a Kubernetes package management tool that provides an intuitive graphical interface and flexglasskube·Go·6 months ago472
k8s_PaaS—Tutorial on Deploying a Complete Set of Services with K8sThis tutorial will teach you how to deploy a Kubernetes cluster and build a complete software develoben1234560·Shell·2 years ago5.6k
kwok—Tool for Simulating Kubernetes ClustersThis tool can set up a Kubernetes cluster consisting of thousands of nodes within seconds, consumingkubernetes-sigs·Go·2 years ago2.6k
k8s-tutorials—免费的 Kubernetes 教程K8s 作为云原生时代的必备技能之一,多少得会一些。该教程侧重于实战引导,用 Go 写的项目作为演示对象,从最基础的容器定义开始,逐一讲述 pod、deployguangzhengli·Go·2 years ago1.2w
kubernetes-network-policy-recipes—Recipes to Solve K8s Networking Issues with Copy-PasteThis project includes a variety of use cases and example YAML files for Kubernetes network policies,ahmetb·Other·a year ago1.2k
shifu—一款云原生物联网开发框架这是一个生产级别的物联网平台,它可以将物联网(IoT)设备,封装成 K8s 的最小的可部署的计算单元(pod),直接将设备的能力和数据通过 API 开放出来,让Edgenesis·Go·2 years ago1.7w
retina—K8s Network Observability PlatformThis is an open-source cloud-native container network observability platform based on eBPF developedmicrosoft·Go·a year ago952
gitpod—Always Ready Cloud Development EnvironmentThis is a Kubernetes (K8s) application that provides an online development environment. By configurigitpod-io·TypeScript·2 years ago2.9k
kopf—用 Python 操作 Kubernetes 的框架1Kubernetes(k8s) 是一个容器编排系统,它本身提供了命令行工具(kubectl),但有时无法实现较为复杂的操作。通过该项目可以用 Python 轻松nolar·Python·3 years ago6.7k
my-re0-k8s-security—Kubernetes Attack and Defense from ScratchThis project encompasses the author's experiences in cloud-native vulnerability mining and exploitatneargle·Shell·2 years ago895
minikube—A Tool for Starting a K8s Cluster on Your Local Machine with One CommandThis tool allows you to easily run a Kubernetes (K8s) cluster locally, supporting standard Kubernetekubernetes·Go·2 years ago2.7k
kubeshark—强大的 Kubernetes API 流量查看工具如果把 k8s 比作操作系统,那它就是 k8s 上的 tcpdump,使用起来就像 Chrome 开发者工具一样简单直接,能够让 k8s 上微服务之间的网络通信kubeshark·Go·2 years ago2k