readest—Immersive E-Book Reader10This is a reading app designed specifically for avid readers, integrating minimalist design with powreadest·TypeScript·a month ago5k
simple-http-server—Rust Lightweight HTTP(s) ServerThis project is a lightweight HTTP(s) server written in Rust, which provides simple and easy static TheWaWaR·Rust·12 days ago261
Nping—Rust Multi-Address Concurrent Ping ToolThis is a visualized Ping tool developed in Rust, supporting concurrent Ping operations on multiple hanshuaikang·Rust·22 days ago596
rustowl—Rust Ownership and Lifetime Visualization Tool1This is a programming plugin designed specifically for the Rust language, capable of intuitively discordx56·Rust·22 days ago580
neovide—Rust-crafted Neovim ClientThis is a cross-platform desktop client designed for the Neovim editor (a refactored version of Vim)neovide·Rust·12 days ago196
RustScan—Out-of-the-Box Port Scanning Tool1This is a port scanning tool developed in Rust, capable of scanning all ports of a specified IP withbee-san·Rust·2 months ago2k
komodo— Flexible Multi-Server Deployment PlatformAn open-source, free multi-server deployment platform designed to help developers deploy applicationmoghtech·Rust·22 days ago852
loco—Full-Stack Web Framework for Rust2This project is a Rust web framework inspired by Ruby on Rails, designed to help developers quickly loco-rs·Rust·2 months ago1.1k
screenpipe—AI-Powered Assistant for 24/7 Screen Recording5This is an out-of-the-box, offline desktop AI application that can record screen content, capture scmediar-ai·TypeScript·5 months ago3.5k
code2prompt—Toolkit for Converting Codebases to LLM PromptsThis is a Rust-written command-line tool capable of quickly transforming code repositories into prommufeedvh·Rust·a month ago352
aquascope—Tool for Visualizing the Execution Process of Rust CodeThis is a tool for visualizing Rust code, providing an intuitive demonstration of the details of codcognitive-engineering-lab·Rust·a month ago314
rpg-cli—Turn Your File System into a Dungeon GameThis is a command-line RPG game written in Rust that simulates facing enemies and initiating turn-bafacundoolano·Rust·a month ago927
moshi—Real-time conversational speech modelThis project utilizes the advanced streaming neural audio encoder, Mimi, to implement a voice systemkyutai-labs·Python·6 months ago2.6k
zoxide—A Smarter cd CommandThis is an efficient cd command tool written in Rust, inspired by z and autojump. It can automaticalajeetdsouza·Rust·2 months ago602
tauri—Rust-Driven Cross-Platform Desktop Application Development FrameworkThis is a framework for building smaller, faster, and more secure desktop and mobile applications, stauri-apps·Rust·3 months ago1.1k