checkmate—Versatile Server and Website Monitoring PlatformThis project is a visual monitoring platform built with React.js, Node.js, and MongoDB, specificallybluewave-labs·JavaScript·5 days ago295
actual—Local-first Personal Finance ToolThis is a completely free, open-source, and local-first personal finance tool. Written in Node.js, iactualbudget·TypeScript·a month ago1.7k
piscina—Flexible and efficient Node.js thread poolThis project is a high-performance Node Worker thread pool written in TypeScript, aimed at simplifyipiscinajs·TypeScript·2 months ago249
crawlee—Crawler Framework that Mimics Human BehaviorThis is a web scraping and browser automation library characterized by its ability to write crawlersapify·TypeScript·5 months ago1.5k
ai-renamer—AI-Powered Batch File RenamerThis is a Node.js command-line tool that leverages LLM (Llava, Gemma, Llama, etc.) to intelligently ozgrozer·JavaScript·5 months ago1.3k
google-indexing-script—Script for Submitting Website to Google Index1This project is a simple script that eliminates the tedious process of submitting links one by one, goenning·TypeScript·a year ago3k
javascript-testing-best-practices—Best Practices for Testing in JavaScript and Node.jsThis is a guide to enhancing the stability of JavaScript & Node.js projects, including front-end andgoldbergyoni·JavaScript·a year ago1k
Cronicle—A Simple Task Scheduling and Execution PlatformThis project is a Node.js-based cron alternative that is ready out-of-the-box, comes with a web intejhuckaby·JavaScript·a year ago3.5k
Node.js-Troubleshooting-Guide—Node.js Application Troubleshooting ManualThis manual primarily assists Node.js developers in addressing issues encountered during developmentaliyun-node·Other·a year ago2.1k
ava—可以并发执行 JavaScript 测试的工具这是一款 Node.js 的测试运行工具,拥有简洁的 API、详细的错误输出、较高的执行效率等特点。avajs·JavaScript·2 years ago784
FFCreator—轻量级的视频加工库完全基于 Node.js 实现的快速制作视频的工具,能够根据添加的图片、视频和音乐,轻松地制作出新的视频。tnfe·JavaScript·2 years ago670
prisma—适用于 Node.js 和 TypeScript 的 ORM它支持主流数据库可用于开发 REST API、GraphQL API、gRPC API 等任何需要连接数据库的程序,项目还包括了数据迁移工具和管理数据的 GUIprisma·TypeScript·3 years ago531
pm2—Node.js 应用的进程管理工具它容易上手操作简单,可以有效地提高 Node.js 程序运行的稳定性,支持自动重启、负载均衡、不停服务重启、性能监控等功能,多用于生产环境中管理、监控 NodeUnitech·JavaScript·3 years ago519
ts-node—可直接在 Node.js 上执行 TypeScript 代码的库通过 JIT 方式将 TypeScript 代码转换成 JavaScript,实现不需要预编译即可在 Node.js 上运行 TypeScript 代码。TypeStrong·TypeScript·3 years ago491