watermark-removal—AI Tool for Removing Image Watermarks1This is an open-source image restoration tool based on TensorFlow that can remove watermarks from imzuruoke·Python·12 days ago677
synthea—Open Source Tool for Simulating Patient Populations1This is an open-source simulator for synthetic patient data and health records, capable of generatinsynthetichealth·Java·12 days ago490
ntfy—Out-of-the-Box Cross-Device Push Notification ServiceThis project is an open-source push notification service based on the HTTP protocol, supporting crosbinwiederhier·Go·8 days ago402
pex—Python Project Packaging Tool That You'll Wish You Knew Earlier5This is an open-source Python project packaging tool designed specifically for cross-environment deppex-tool·Python·2 months ago5k
wego—A Command-line Tool for Quick Weather ForecastsThis is a weather checking tool developed using Go language, which helps users quickly obtain weatheschachmat·Go·12 days ago244
pspy—Tool for Real-time Monitoring of Linux Processes Without Root PermissionsThis is a tool that can monitor all user commands, scheduled tasks, and other process activities on DominicBreuker·Go·12 days ago177
Nping—Rust Multi-Address Concurrent Ping ToolThis is a visualized Ping tool developed in Rust, supporting concurrent Ping operations on multiple hanshuaikang·Rust·22 days ago593
cling—Interactive C++ Development EnvironmentThis is an interactive C++ interpreter built based on LLVM and Clang. It provides an intuitive interroot-project·C++·12 days ago273
posting—Cool Terminal API DebuggerThis is a modern terminal HTTP client, which can be considered as the command-line version of Postmadarrenburns·Python·12 days ago252
ipatool—A Tool for Easily Downloading IPA FilesThis is a command-line tool that can help users search for and download .ipa files in the iOS App Stmajd·Go·12 days ago156
sshfs—A tool for mounting remote file systems via SSH1This is a file system tool based on the SFTP protocol, which allows you to mount remote file systemslibfuse·C·a month ago916
daytona—A Tool for Simplifying Development Environment Setup1This project enables the quick creation of a configured development environment with a single commandaytonaio·Go·a month ago893
chsrc—Universal Multi-Platform Source Switching Tool6This project is capable of switching to domestic mirror sources for common Linux distributions, progRubyMetric·C·6 months ago5.4k
RustScan—Out-of-the-Box Port Scanning Tool1This is a port scanning tool developed in Rust, capable of scanning all ports of a specified IP withbee-san·Rust·2 months ago2k
kyanos—In-Depth Kernel-Level Network Traffic Analysis Tool1This is a network problem analysis tool based on eBPF that can monitor and analyze HTTP, Redis, and hengyoush·C·3 months ago2k