Book3_Elements-of-Mathematics—《数学要素》从加减乘除到机器学习6全彩多图的一本科普书,内容以图解+数学+编程为主。Visualize-ML·Jupyter·2 years ago1.6w
Book4_Power-of-Matrix—The Power of MatricesThis book introduces concepts such as vectors, matrices, vector spaces, matrix decomposition, calculVisualize-ML·Jupyter·2 years ago5.9k
manim—A Python Framework for Dynamic Mathematical AnimationsThis project is an open-source engine for creating mathematical animations, capable of clearly and iManimCommunity·Python·2 years ago2.5k
mathquill—Online Mathematical Formula EditorThis is a formula editor written in JavaScript, which makes the input of mathematical formulas simplmathquill·TypeScript·2 years ago3.7k
decimal—Go Library for Solving Floating-Point Precision IssuesThis project addresses the potential precision loss that may occur during the calculation with floatshopspring·Go·a year ago909
sympy—Python Library for Symbolic ComputationThis is a comprehensive and pure Python-written computer algebra system (CAS), suitable for solving sympy·Python·2 years ago4.7k
The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra—图解线性代数《Linear Algebra for Everyone》是一门广受好评的线性代数公开课,该项目是基于这门公开课,编写整理而成的图文并茂的学习笔记。kenjihiranabe·PostScript·2 years ago2.6k
latexify_py—用于生成 LaTeX 数学公式的 Python 库LaTeX 是一种基于 ΤΕΧ 的排版系统,对于展示复杂的数学公式表现极为出色。该项目可以用 Python 函数,轻松生成复杂的 LaTeX 数学公式描述。google·Python·2 years ago1.5k
manim—Python Engine for Creating Mathematical AnimationsThis project enables the creation of sophisticated mathematical animations through programming, maki3b1b·Python·6 years ago499