awesome-low-level-design—A Collection of Learning Resources for System Detailed DesignThis is a collection of resources to help developers learn and master Low-Level Design (LLD), includashishps1·C++·2 months ago658
python-mini-project—Collection of Mini Python Projects1This project includes a series of mini Python projects and provides a simple Python project templatendleah·Python·a year ago6k
hyperui—Free Collection of Tailwind CSS Components1This project offers a variety of free Tailwind CSS components suitable for websites, marketing, and markmead·HTML·a year ago1.4k
Awesome-Love-Code—Love Confession Code CollectionThis project collects over 50 codes and programs for confessing love, covering programming languagessun0225SUN·JavaScript·a year ago1.9k
containers—Collection of Container Images for Various Open Source SoftwareThis project is a collection of Docker containers maintained and open-sourced by BitNami, encompassibitnami·Shell·10 months ago1.4k
Algorithms—A Collection of Algorithms and Data Structures Implemented in JavaThe importance of algorithms and data structures goes without saying. This project provides the simpwilliamfiset·Java·a year ago4k
kubernetes-network-policy-recipes—Recipes to Solve K8s Networking Issues with Copy-PasteThis project includes a variety of use cases and example YAML files for Kubernetes network policies,ahmetb·Other·a year ago1.2k
chinese-independent-blogs—中文个人独立博客网站合集如果说中文独立博客的时代已经过去,那么至少还有这么一块地方,属于热爱自由的博主们。timqian·Python·2 years ago2.9k
pytudes—Exercises to Refine Your Python Programming SkillsThe term 'étude' is French for an exercise piece in music, and 'pytudes' represents a collection of norvig·Jupyter·2 years ago4.3k
visionOS_30Days—Challenge: 30 Days to Master Apple's visionOS DevelopmentvisionOS is the operating system running on Apple's mixed reality headset, Apple Vision Pro. This prsatoshi0212·Swift·a year ago1.3k
awesome-macos-screensavers—Amazing macOS Screensavers CollectionHere you will find a variety of macOS screensavers with different styles, patterns, and fun elementsagarrharr·Other·2 years ago5.4k
free-for-dev—专为程序员准备的免费服务清单现在虽然有大量免费的服务,但大多数开发者很难找到它们,这是一份免费服务(SaaS、PaaS、IaaS 等)和产品的列表。ripienaar·HTML·2 years ago2.6k
free-python-games—真入门级的 Python 游戏集合库这是都是 Python 写的简单小游戏,比如贪吃蛇、迷宫、Pong、猜字等。没有复杂的环境搭建,一条命令即可安装所有游戏,一条命令就能运行指定游戏。这些游戏的代grantjenks·Python·5 years ago5.4k
computer-science—计算机科学免费自学教育之路该项目是自学计算机科学(CS)的免费材料集合仓库,汇集了国际知名大学的开放课程。这里不仅有课程所需的教科书和讲解视频,还有学习计划和时间安排,美中不足的是这些材ossu·Other·4 years ago2.1k