BewlyBewly—Browser Extension to Optimize the Bilibili Website Interface32This is a third-party Bilibili browser extension that enhances the user experience by optimizing theBewlyBewly·Vue·3 months ago1w
LazyCat-Bookmark-Cleaner—A tool for one-click browser bookmark organizationThis is an open-source browser bookmark management plugin that helps you easily organize your browseAlanrk·JavaScript·13 days ago550
BilibiliSponsorBlock—Bilibili Video Skipping Assistant2This is a browser extension that can automatically skip sponsorship clips and opening and ending anihanydd·TypeScript·4 months ago2k
github-chinese—GitHub Site Localization Plugin12This project enables the automatic Chinese translation of the GitHub site's menu bar, titles, buttonmaboloshi·JavaScript·a year ago1.7w
materialYouNewTab—Minimalist New Tab Browser ExtensionThis new tab page browser extension, inspired by Google's Material You design language, emphasizes sXengShi·JavaScript·5 months ago1.4k
buster—Browser Extension for Bypassing reCAPTCHA VerificationThis project utilizes language recognition technology to assist users in automatically passing reCAPdessant·JavaScript·7 months ago1.1k
cat-catch—Open Source Media Sniffer Browser ExtensionThis browser extension named 'Cat Claw' can help you list the download addresses of music and video xifangczy·JavaScript·10 months ago1.4k
TechStack—Browser Extension to Display the Technologies Used in GitHub Projects1This project is a browser extension that shows the technology stack used in a GitHub repository, helGet-Tech-Stack·TypeScript·a year ago1.3w
wai—A Project for Preventing Neck Diseases2This is a project that shows the historical events of today and the fruits and vegetables that shouldukeluo·TypeScript·2 years ago1.3w
h5player—Enhanced Web Player Browser ExtensionThis is a browser extension that supports features like speed adjustment for web videos, screenshot,xxxily·JavaScript·a year ago1.6k
web-activity-time-tracker—A Browser Extension to Track Your Online Activity TimeThis is an ad-free, open-source browser extension that records the time you spend browsing on differStigmatoz·Vue·10 months ago1k
SingleFile—Browser Extension for Webpage Archiving1Enables one-click downloads of webpages, capable of fully integrating text, images, and other contengildas-lormeau·JavaScript·2 years ago1.6k
openai-translator—Highlight Word Translation Plugin Based on ChatGPTThis plugin is not only available as a browser extension but also has a desktop version, supporting openai-translator·TypeScript·2 years ago2.3k
Dashboard—一款完全自定义配置的浏览器起始页基于 Vite+Vue3+TypeScript 构建的浏览器起始页,预设了多款简洁清爽的主题开箱即用,能够随心所欲地添加组件,编辑模式下可拖拽组件更改大小和位置leon-kfd·Vue·2 years ago1.6k
automa—让浏览器自动完成预设工作的插件该项目通过图形化界面拖拽功能模块,实现浏览器自动操作的扩展工具。可轻松实现自动填表、截图、定时执行等操作,让浏览器自动完成预设工作流的插件,减少重复性操作提高效AutomaApp·Vue·3 years ago654