cobalt—Out-of-the-Box Multi-Platform Media DownloaderThis is a free and open-source media download tool that allows users to easily download videos and aimputnet·Svelte·12 days ago1.7k
checkmate—Versatile Server and Website Monitoring PlatformThis project is a visual monitoring platform built with React.js, Node.js, and MongoDB, specificallybluewave-labs·JavaScript·4 days ago282
Moe-Counter—Adorable Website Counter5This project is a visitor counter designed for tracking the number of visits to a webpage. It is notjourney-ad·JavaScript·2 months ago3.2k
apihub—Free API Learning Platform1This is a comprehensive API learning platform that supports the development and learning of APIs in hiteshchoudhary·JavaScript·2 months ago2.6k
netron—Cross-platform Machine Learning Model ViewerThis is a visualization tool for neural networks, deep learning, and machine learning models, supporlutzroeder·JavaScript·23 days ago410
rot.js—JavaScript Toolkit for Developing Roguelike GamesThis is a dependency-free JavaScript library designed specifically for developing Roguelike (rouge-londras·JavaScript·23 days ago457
slugify—JS Library for Transforming Strings to URL-FriendlyThis project is designed to convert strings into formats suitable for use in URLs, outputting a strisimov·JavaScript·23 days ago145
themostdangerouswritingapp—Tool to Push Writing Efficiency to the Extremes2This is a web application designed to help users enter a writing 'flow' state. If you stop typing fomaebert·JavaScript·2 months ago850
staticrypt—Password Protection for Static WebsitesThis project enables password-protected access to HTML pages without the need for server-side supporrobinmoisson·HTML·3 months ago1.2k
NotionNext—Notion Blog GeneratorThis project is a Notion blog generator based on Next.js+Tailwind CSS, capable of quickly creating ftangly1024·JavaScript·3 months ago1.1k
materialYouNewTab—Minimalist New Tab Browser ExtensionThis new tab page browser extension, inspired by Google's Material You design language, emphasizes sXengShi·JavaScript·2 months ago1.2k
github-chinese—GitHub Site Localization Plugin11This project enables the automatic Chinese translation of the GitHub site's menu bar, titles, buttonmaboloshi·JavaScript·a year ago1.6w
sharedrop—WebRTC-Based Cross-Device File Sharing1This is an open-source web application inspired by Apple's AirDrop, leveraging WebRTC technology to ShareDropio·JavaScript·4 months ago1.8k
stf—Control Multiple Android Devices Through the BrowserThis is an Android device testing tool developed using Node.js, providing a web platform that can reDeviceFarmer·JavaScript·6 months ago2.7k
typed.js—User-Friendly JavaScript Typing Animation LibraryThis project is a JavaScript library specifically designed to create typing animation effects. It ismattboldt·JavaScript·5 months ago1.2k