gitbutler—A New Git Client1This Git client, open-sourced by Scott Chacon, co-founder of GitHub and author of "Pro Git," is builgitbutlerapp·Rust·a year ago3.3k
git-credential-manager—Universal Git Credential Manager1This is a Git credential storage and management tool developed based on .NET. It's out-of-the-box, rgit-ecosystem·C#·8 months ago831
lolcommits—Selfie for Programmers Based on Git1This project automatically takes a photo with the webcam each time a code is committed using git, malolcommits·Ruby·8 months ago963
introduction-to-git-and-github-ebook—A Beginner's Guide to Git and GitHubThis is an open-source book that introduces the basics of Git and GitHub, covering practical knowledbobbyiliev·HTML·8 months ago688
gitui—Git Command Line Tool with InterfaceThis project offers a terminal interface for git, allowing users to more smoothly utilize git. The igitui-org·Rust·2 years ago4k
onefetch—A Command-Line Tool for Viewing Git Repository InformationA command-line tool written in Rust for viewing information about Git repositories. It can directly o2sh·Rust·2 years ago3.3k
gitv—用 Rust 编写的分析 Git 仓库和数据可视化的命令行工具由 Rust 编写的 Git 仓库分析和数据可视化的命令行工具 chenjiandongx·Rust·3 years ago947
git-split-diffs—更加直观展示代码改动的命令行工具在终端上使用 git diff 查看修改时,默认的展示效果并不直观,该项目将代码的改动以类似 GitHub 网站的风格展示方便查看,还有多种主题可供选择。banga·TypeScript·4 years ago639
lazygit—终端里的 Git 客户端这是一个懒人版 Git 命令行工具,它采用 Go 语言编写,提供了支持键盘和鼠标的 Git 命令行交互界面,支持轻松添加文件、解决合并冲突、快速进行 push/jesseduffield·Go·7 years ago453
progit2—《Pro Git 第二版》这是由 Scott Chacon 和 Ben Straub 撰写的免费的开源书籍,它已被翻成包含中文在内的 10 余种语言,内容涵盖版本控制、Git 基础、Giprogit·CSS·7 years ago700
git-flight-rules—Git 飞行规则所谓飞行规则就是特定场景的非常详细的标准处理流程。该项目记录了使用 Git 过程中,如果遇到问题的解决办法和步骤。k88hudson·Other·7 years ago893
gogs—极易搭建的自助 Git 服务这是一款用 Go 写的自助 Git 服务,支持所有平台。它拥有丰富的功能、完善的中文文档、支持 Go 语言支持的所有平台,包括 Linux、Mac OS X、Wgogs·Go·9 years ago741