gitstars—Your GitHub Star ManagerThis is a tool for managing starred projects on GitHub, supporting the categorization of projects bacfour-hi·Vue·a month ago427
github-chinese—GitHub Site Localization Plugin12This project enables the automatic Chinese translation of the GitHub site's menu bar, titles, buttonmaboloshi·JavaScript·a year ago1.7w
grip—GitHub README File Local Preview ToolThis is a tool for local preview of GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown) files. It uses Flask and the GitHjoeyespo·Python·a month ago232
github-readme-terminal—Display GitHub Profile with Retro Terminal GIFsThis project generates retro-style computer startup GIF animations based on your GitHub personal datx0rzavi·Python·6 months ago862
SWE-agent—Intelligent Agent for Automatically Fixing GitHub IssuesThis project is an open-source intelligent agent developed and maintained by researchers at PrincetoSWE-agent·Python·6 months ago700
introduction-to-git-and-github-ebook—A Beginner's Guide to Git and GitHubThis is an open-source book that introduces the basics of Git and GitHub, covering practical knowledbobbyiliev·HTML·6 months ago640
FluentHub—Aesthetic GitHub ClientThis is a GitHub client written in C#, designed with Fluent Design, featuring a clean and modern int0x5bfa·C#·2 years ago3.9k
opengist—Open Source Alternative to GitHub GistThis project stores code or text snippets in a Git repository, allowing users to view and modify conthomiceli·Go·9 months ago877
GitHub520—持续更新的 GitHub host 地址3该项目通过修改 hosts 解决 GitHub 访问慢、图裂问题的项目。它基于 GitHub Action 定时访问 ipaddress 自动获取、输出 Git521xueweihan·Python·5 years ago6k
snk—Eat Up All Your GitHub ContributionsBased on the contribution graph on GitHub, it automatically generates the snake's walking path, eatiPlatane·TypeScript·2 years ago2.7k
watchgha—Tool to view GitHub Action run status locallyA command-line tool that displays the running status of GitHub Actions for the current branch with jnedbat·Python·a year ago1.2k
css—GitHub Open Source Design SystemA project open-sourced and maintained by GitHub's design team, encompassing GitHub's interface desigprimer·SCSS·2 years ago3.1k
all-contributors—表彰非代码贡献者的工具这是一个 GitHub 机器人,可以在 issues 使用指令,将贡献者增添到项目首页,进行展示和表彰。all-contributors·HTML·2 years ago462
act—本地调试 GitHub Actions 脚本的工具该项目可以让你在本地调试 GitHub Actions 脚本。GitHub Actions 是 GitHub 提供的仓库自动工作流程功能,用户可以利用 GitHnektos·Go·4 years ago561